
For me the bigger issue isn’t that all the Marvel shows are so short, but rather that they are so rigid about the length. They are not looking at the suggest story and deciding based on that how long the series should be, but instead cramming it all in 6 episodes no matter if it should be less or more to be effective.

This is actually something I found myself pondering when watching this episode as I don’t really know who is supposed to be the POV character whose journey we are supposed to be following and rooting for.

I don’t think that’s really applicable here as it isn’t spelling things out, it is about removing ambiguity.

I don’t even have a problem that third personality is a brutal killer, although at the moment he seems to be a brutal killer just to be that which is always an issue. For me, the bigger problem is that once they revealed that, they should have started playing in to that. Make that a part of the horror story in that

I actually got the necessity of that scene, but the execution of it did make me cringe. Like there was a potential for having Layla be more subtle in her inquiries, but it needed to be this weird shouting match with very little mystery to it.

Yeah, that was one decision there I couldn’t comprehend. If it turns out that this is still some kind of an afterlife hallucination, that will bother me so much as it is just plain cheating.

A little bit of an unpopular take, but I don’t think Calmawy is nearly as strong of a performance as the other two. It’s not on her, though, as the character is a really weird stock character, so there’s not as much room to impress in it. She’s still good, but Isaac and Hawke doing some insane level stuff here.

My favorite part about this take is that I’ve gotten blasted so many times in these discussions threads about being a nit-picker or a miserable Marvel hater. Which makes it hilarious that now when I just something positive, I instantly get a delusional Marvel fan accusation.

I’d add that when I was talking about beautiful shot, I meant the camera work. The sets are nothing special, but the way the director and camera crew manage to still give that weight and play around with the shots is impressive.

During that final part of the episode, I found myself torn on if I like the way the show has set up the third personality. The issue was that there were a lot of really good parts in that build, for example the intro scene showing Marc having three faces, and you kind of already know that it was that third personality

For all my issues with the show’s plotting and narrative choices, damn is this a gorgeously shot show. This legitimately might be the most visually striking MCU show so far.

1) The hilariously stupid part was about the determination that me thinking this was more due to the financial performance of the first two movie made me transphobic. Which was what what my initial comment you were responding. Now I’d like to make a snarky comment here how reading comprehension is hard, but the

And the film didn’t even hit the Chinese market. It is difficult to comprehend how insane the success of that movie was.

To continue on that tanget, this is an interesting example of how our first exposure to a term affects how we perceive it. So on my front, also white and adherent to an ideological aspects the right wing would throw the woke term at. However, with me, when I first came across the term, it was already a bit of a joke.

On that woke part, I can see why that sneering would be a potential interpretation of the tone there, but it wasn’t the intention. To me it is a joke term as I don’t really know anyone who would seriously call themselves woke and it’s just more this vague term thrown around by the right wing social media. So it was

I never argued that JKR wasn’t an albatorss. As for everything else, this is where I’m a little bit confused. Every single comment I’ve responded to has been someone arguing that my view that the drop is primarely driven by the reception of the previous films is incorrect and that it is actually mostly about Rowling’s

The Transformers franchise is actually a really fascinating example for a couple of reasons. First of all, you could argue that the Transformers movies were more spectacle based while the Fantastic Beasts was story/character driven, so the comparison is tricky. However, it does not negate the franchise performance.

Well, that wasn’t outrage in this particular comment you are responding to, it was genuinely finding the argument there hilariously stupid. The assertion there still makes me chuckle. Of course, the fact that you are making up something I claimed, it doesn’t really surprise me that outrage is the read you got on it.

Well, I guess that’s fair as I’m utterly baffled why you consider that an impossible question? Literally what I’m saying that if you look at the box office performance and critical reception of Crimes of Grindelwald, would it be shocking that the sequel did badly? That just quite honestly looking at available data.

That is true, and I again repeat that I do think that Rowling comments have an impact, but I do think there’s a lot of ignoring what the trend with this particular film was going even before those comments made. That’s perhaps one thing I’m most actively pushing against here as the warning signs for this were there