
I don’t know, when you are in the middle of a desert waiting for someone to just get to work, for me the allure of the extra hours would start waning pretty fast.

Damn, somehow I had completely missed that you could buy EA games through Steam. I guess my mind was still back when it did launch when they basically made it the sole market place for their games. That’s why I didn’t have an issue with it as that was just where you played their games.

I don’t know, while the EA launcher is unnecessary, at least it is its own market place and is relatively smooth. In many ways, for me, it is comparable to GOG Galaxy.

That law suit is absolutely insane. I mean I get it, it is just a way for those conservative organizations to attack those laws and all that, but I mean couldn’t they find someone who is already making those websites? This kind of a just-in-case lawsuit is... I’m actually at a loss for words.

I mean it’s difficult to say how much that applies as I think it depends on the game series. However, at the same time it feels like there is a trend here in that they keep putting up unrealistic expectations.

I’m going to cheat a bit as it isn’t a traditional redemption storyline as the character never involved regretted his prior actions, but I actually think that makes it better somehow.

This is just a sense I got from the trailer, but I do think they are doing something with Jeffrey Donovan’s cop. Just the selection of scenes they showed with him made it clear that was something off with him.

This was kind of an odd read and I don’t really know how to feel about. Now the situation itself is without a question is tragic, I don’t mean that, but rather that the oddly specific take this article has. Although, as I’m writing this, I’m once again remembering that this is Jezebel.

It’s kind of weird as while I thought the new Scream movie was just nice, the more I think about it’s killer twist, the more I realize it hit the point harder than I originally gave it credit for.

For me the second season was when it started imploding hard. This is of course a subjective opinion, but the storyline and villain motivations were absolutely non-sensical there.

I don’t think it was about Affleck, I mean they didn’t have Cavill or Gadot there either.

I sometimes wonder if being passionate about video games, comics and pro wrestling is a blessing or a curse as every day I will find a new incredibly silly debate raging on.

Thank you for the correction and my embarrasing mistake. That has to be one of the biggest Mandela effects I’ve experienced as I was somehow convinced the name of the organization had Horizon in it.

Thank you for the correction and my embarrasing mistake. That has to be one of the biggest Mandela effects I’ve experienced as I was somehow convinced the name of the organization had Horizon in it.

I don’t they established in that scene what it was that Sobeck threatened him with. She literally just tells him that otherwise she will tell them that it wasn’t really a glitch, but didn’t expand what it would have been. I might be forgetting a data section that established that discovery, but the scene itself left

Slight correction, Faro wasn’t guilted into helping by Sobeck, he was threatened. She said that otherwise she would tell the military the truth about the glitch. Which is a pretty big implied secret as at that point everyone already considered Faro to be responsible for the threat of humanity so what exactly did

So I haven’t that much the development, but are those the names of the people you should kill? As I thought you were playing as one of the Tarnished which are those who are named there? Or wait are those the Tarnished now that I am reading it again?

Faro is one of the few characters that had me screaming at the screen ‘Fuck you, you fucking waste of space’. That scene where he killed the rest of the head programmers and the speech he gave there was just... That was special. Like legitimately the only thing I can really say as HZD was such a masterclass of

I’d add there’s one important story element introduced in HZD that’s not mentioned here, although for understandable reasons as this one a bit buried in the background. It’s an excellent work as when you read the old world data points, you get references to it that are explicit enough to make it feel important, but

I would thoroughly recommend it. There’s filler stuff in the game, but it’s not mandatory, it just means that you won’t get the experience and gear. It also has side quests, but it went more for quality than quantity with those as all of them have clear storylines and characters.