
I’m drawing a blank here as I loved the Telltale games, but I didn’t the Fox family had that big of a presence, did they? Am I completely forgetting something?

I think Lucius is an excellent connection, but just having his random sons pop up doesn’t feel like that.

While I’m glad to read the books are good, or at least for this reviewer, I’m just so beyond frustrated with this fixation on the Fox family. Like why? At least it isn’t Luke, but just why couldn’t they come up with someone with a more organic connection to the city?

That Kennedy question is so... I don’t even describe it. Like calling it weird or absurd doesn’t even seem to cover it. After that setup I almost expect him to start grilling Tanden why she hadn’t called Sanders that.

Okay, first of all, there’s this thing called context. You are at the moment contributing to a discussion that is literally centered around allegations of horrible behaviour from Joss Whedon. You are responding to someone who is discussing how the cult of personality always made them uncomfortable when it came to

I had to take a double take when reading this comment as that was some dedication in managing to bash Snyder in a discussion that really had nothing with him. Take a bow, good Ma’am/Sir and do not let anyone tell you shouldn’t be so petty as to make it an art form.

Jesus Christ, that show seems to be a massive hit. It’s always really weird to just stumble over some hugely successful media product that you had no idea of. I mean, to give an example, even if I never watched NCIS, I knew of its success, but this completely flew by me.

This was shockingly sweet and really managed to tug on the heartstrings. And not just because I’m certain that that Iguana is certainly going to rip out someone’s heart. I mean just look in to those dark God-forsaken eyes.

That mystery resolution nearly broke me. As did the Straw Goat one.

The boat one was superweird. That one I had to look up online as I couldn’t figure out what the hell the game wanted for me there.

As much as I absolutely adore Valhalla, I cannot argue with this on any level. What made it astonishing as it felt like the game realized how long the actual fishing minigame took and allowed you to just shoot the fish. Although not too many as after one the fish would clear the area.

The absolutely golden moment, for me personally, in the BBC News article on this is that they asked Mori if he felt the women had talked much during the meetings. His response was he didn’t know because he hadn’t talked to women in a long while.

Okay, I realize that it is easy to pile on MTG here and hold long since uttered words against her, but isn’t this the kind of toxic culture where every single thing in the distant, distant past is dug up? I mean, who of us hasn’t posted in stupid stuff on the internet in the long lost year of, checks paper, 2018? When

It’s a very random note, but I’m still somewhat shocked that Walker has children that are in their late teens. Not in a negative sense, but rather that they are having Padalecki play his age instead of making Walker a younger character. Especially on a CW show.

Oh, I completely agree from what I saw of the gameplay and I’m hoping they continue to build on that foundation moving on to TW:WH3. It’s such a small thing, but to me Lizardmen were the army I was most looking forward to playing the campaign with, so when I heard about that ending, it kind of just deflated it for me.

Jesus Christ, that trailer was badass and I’m really excited for this game. The factions kind of made me skip Total War: Warhammer 2, especially when I heard about the Lizardman ending, but I’m all in on what seems to be Kislev here.

I’ll be honest, the moment Wesley Snipes arrived in the trailer, I was all in on his character. Just everything about that general was awesome.

This hits on something that utterly confused me when reading this as the quoted part in the WaPo literally makes no reference to their financial status. Like none.

I cannot comment on the quality of the movie and even not having seen it I’m certain it is quality, but I just wanted to write how hilarious I found it that a year after utterly snubbing Portrait of a Lady on Fire, France decides to select movie about two women in love each other as their big prize candidate is

My favorite part about this is that after the accusation by Bush, Greene posted a video on her Twitter acount, as a sign of the censorship she must endure, explaining that Bush is lying and that she had the video to prove it. But did not post the said video.