
Things are kind of getting interesting at Fox News as they fired about 20 editorial staff members today, including the head of their much touted Decision Desk who made the call about Arizona going to Biden, that has been pretty directly described as an ideological purge.

My favorite part about Pompeo’s tweet about how all -isms are bad, aside from that it might be the very first time I’ve seen someone twist it to woke-ism, is that I now wonder how Big Mike writers patriotism.

I’ve always thought Ashley Biden somewhat intriguing due how to normal she appears. With that I mean, if you look at Joe Biden’s children, Naomi tragically died as a child, Beau was this true son of his father whose loss still haunts the family and Hunter is just an utter mess. And then you have, and I mean this in no

Out of curiosity, did you actually read the article in question? Because there are several points when it is very explicit about how the project management was the game was bad even by these general standards.

It’s not just last few years that CDPR has been doing this, it’s been there from the start. When the Witcher games were coming out, they constantly took shots at BioWare and actively fed in to any fan issues going on there in order to shine their own image.

There’s a certain blind loyalty to CDPR that has been around for almost a decade, but still manages to keep surprising me. Just this sense of ‘CDPR can do no wrong and just wait for this to become that masterpiece’.

The argument about games being rushed it starting to become a pet peeve of mine as they need to be released at some point. What makes framing it as such in this piece especially frustrating is that Bloomberg article specifically does not make that argument, instead already in the starting paragraphs establishes that

For me, one of the core aspects how complicated the response of the Capitol Police was to the riots. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not going to defend the leadership in anyway or not claim there aren’t huge problem signs in how they responded to the BLM marches compared to this. But rather reading these experiences and how

That sure was a confusing answer there, Washington. I mean, I don’t even know what I expected, but... Okay? Although now I’m curious at what age does he think they become women and is thus okay. Also would it then not be okay if it was a man?

I will admit that headline and the associated image me laugh really hard.

This might be my faulty recollection, but I thought the puritanian binary was already there in the original books to a large degree. Yes, Vegas was orderly, but still the nice Boulder with old-fashioned values versus decadent big city was something that deeply bothered me.

What you just described is either Day 1 DLC or majority of early DLC. Which requires additional resources to implement and, thus, should produce revenue on their own.

I had always just assumed that the Isu language was just some random symbols. Kind of amazing if the AC team actually had someone to develop the language for real.

Oh Jesus Christ, they’re again gone back to doing the free DLC thing.

To add a bit more of personal musings here, something else that strikes me as I think back on the game now having played it in full is that I don’t even know if I could even call it a good game. Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t call bad necessary, but the first word that comes to mind is decent and at times fun, but

Man, it’s weird to just read what a wild ride Cyberpunk’s release was and shocking to realize that it’s only been a month. Like that is a lot of stuff happening.

I would never speak ill of Dishonored 2 as that was such a fun experience, especially when playing as Emily.

By the way, if I am correct on who that is, the story behind the lone Black officer feeling the mob is actually even more striking than just that scene.

Man, I hadn’t heard of the PGA decision. That has to hurt Trump almost as much as losing Twitter, if not actually even more as there’s nothing he loves as much as golf.

When I got to the part where Del Rey stated that she was extremely inclusive even without even trying before using being friends with or dating rappers, I had to go back and read the whole thing again as I was so thrown off by that. It just- The implication there is sure as hell is something.