
Apparently when the Democratic leadership tried to reach out to Pence about invoking the 25th Amendment, he realized that this was a moment of true leadership... And chose to not answer those phonecalls.

But that was Pompeio and everyone knows you can’t trust Big Mike. Not like you can the True D.

Okay, I read these words, but Trump in that released statement released after the Capitol incident promised to respect the peaceful transference of power. And I mean, is there is no doubt that Trump’s word is not set in stone? We did hear that during the campaign trail after all and would a liar really proclaim

Hey, that kind of strong leadership can only silence the critics and usher in a peaceful night. No need to be vulgar about it, good Ma’am/Sir.

It’s actually going to be really interesting to see which of congresspeople/senators actually still object after that. Especially considering some of them made their stances really public before today, but have been completely silent after this started.

True, but there’s also been a lot of push to end, or at least limit, the filibuster. That might also be on the move here and it might be a trade of keeping the filibuster, but allowing those new states, thus shifting the balance of power.

Warren had a similar sentiment, although much more eloquent about it.

I read in several places that the reason Biden went with Garland was because of the Georgia victory. Not only does this allow that very symbolic and qualified pick for the position, it would also allow the now Democratically controlled Senate choose a new younger judge to take his place in the Court of Appeals.

Watching the Biden speech, I was genuinely shocked when he walked back to answer the inauguration speech. You could sense that bubbling anger with him there as he seemed to assert that they are going to do the public inauguration despite several analysts assuming they would go virtual. Torn on it as I’m certain his

This is from the NYT live chat, Charlie Savage has posted it a couple of times. It isn’t a full text, but it contains quotes from the rally:

I don’t know, I still kind of love this tweet by Eric Trump at the start of the whole mess even more:

I didn’t realize they hired Haberman specifically because of that. It does explain a lot as she really seems to get Trump on a level very reporters do.

My brain partially melted after watching that Trump video telling the protestors to peacefully go home, btw the election was fraudulent and my righteous position as POTUS is being taken from me. Love to all you strong peeps having my back.

It was infuriating to even watch the opening statements for the debate as even when condemning the Republican dissidents actions, McConnell still kept drawing comparisons to these imagined actions by the Democrats that had been just as bad in the preceding years. It was basically the king of partisanship, whose

I’m still shocked as I didn’t think Ted Cruz could become even more radioactive, but somehow he managed to do it.

Oh, you don’t have to bet. There are pictures of some of them with Blue Lives Matters insignia fighting with the police.

And the inevitable happened:

It’s like how many times does one have to be told that Trump has absolutely no loyalty to anyone? At this point it is completely on the protestors for believing this. I just find Trump’s fake posturing near hysterical at this point, or would if this wasn’t so terrifying.

I’ve seen several news sites already pointing how this is the logical conclusion of the Republican party ‘humoring’ Trump for a short while.

According to the media sources, at least as I understood, it’s supposedly because military leadership does not want armed forces to get involved in the elections protests in anyway.