
Which is fair, but my counter to why care if there are two defined personalities neither which is yours would be that well, one of them is so likable that I don’t want them to be overwritten.

But Cloud, Link and Mario are predefined characters within that world with a set in stone personality and past as well as a cast characters that connect them to it. For example, having a Tifa like character in this game would help tremendously as it would ground V in a way that allows that emotional connection from

But my counter to that would be that it isn’t a binary situation where either you have a completely pre-determined character like Last of Us or a completely undefined character. You can have something between those two and I think that is what Cyberpunk would have benefitted from. I don’t know if you’ve played

Actually already a separate comment on it, but glad expand here as well. To put it shortly, I absolutely loved Valhalla’s ending.

Which is fair enough, but this particular post is about the story.

To add to my comment, there more I thought on it, the more weird some of the choices the games makes in the first act feel. For example, it never truly allows you as a player to establish what V wants in the world or what are their ultimate goal. There would have just been such relatively choices and interactions to

I kind of hate being a defender here, but genuinely, this is a pretty specific criticsm to the game itself as, as written in article, it is trying to tell a story about humanity with a main character that is allowed relatively little room, at least in the first part of the story, to establish that humanity. Largely

While I kind of liked the teaser, I am still laughing how it has absolutely nothing in common with the original show. Still, hadn’t realized they got Keegan Allen in the show, which makes it more interesting to me as for reasons I can’t quite explain I thought he was one of the best performances in PLL.

Oh, don’t get me wrong, they are absolutely fun and I too was shocked how much there was to do there. However, and I’m now going to the Heist spoiler stuff, I do think that having all that stuff to do kind of main story from a narrative structure view. While they are fun, none of them involve, for obvious reasons

Guessed as much reading the first sentence. I did the Heist 11 hours in after running those side hustles.

Except there is not a game that allows all that freedom and if they allow you complete freedom to decide who your character is, then that character is relatively meaningless within the context of the game. Don’t get me wrong, there are games that I like that don’t impose that character on it, but then it also means

Which is fine, except then you will always have reduced presence as a character in the world you are it. It is just the cost to pay for that character approach which is what hurts the story being told in this particular game. Which you probably would know you had played the game or were aware to implementation in it

I’m still relatively early in the game, just hit the stakes part and met Johnny, but V is an interesting choice of a MC, especially after all the effort to give him/her three backgrounds. I think that a core problem is, and naturally I’m about to go in to spoilers, in the first hours in the game we are introduced to

Couple of things. First, I don’t know why you keep using the term hunk as I never used that and it sounds so weird. Which I guess is fitting to the discussion. Second, I don’t think you know what the term objectify means. I referred to his appearance, positively yes, in the context of the writers approach in writing

Yes, you had the completely correct reaction to reading someone liking something you didn’t as that just cannot be let stand and had to be corrected in the most dickish way possible. Can you just imagine a world where people enjoyed the wrong things? Just makes the skin shudder.

I would have loved, no matter how futile such a hope would have been, to have one of the Fox and Friends hosts asks Miller which lawsuit he is speaking as that hope considering the courts have thrown all of them out.

Saw some quotes from the resignation letter and I actually somewhat respect it. I mean, instead of trying to spin himself as a noble hero, he just made it clear he is a spineless toady who hates honest democracy. It takes guts to be that transparent about yourself and we should give him credit for it.

Will be interesting to see how the combat rebalancing works. For me, it was one of those experiences where the combat felt challenging first, but because I do and collect everything at a certain point I basically walked through most encounters.

The same. Valhalla was an incredibly smooth experience for me so it was kind of wild to read how many serious bugs had been encountered there. Will just be grateful that it was such a enjoyable ride for me, although now that I write I do remember it started crashing constantly at some point, but then just stopped with

I’m still staggered by how impactful that Times op-ed ended up being. Also, I can’t see how MindGeek doesn’t spread to those other sites as MG sure as hell doesn’t want this to become a bigger problem for them. Especially since Mindgeek actually owns a lot of bigger internet porn production companies, which has been