
What I struggle with the most is the ‘So what’ element of the story. To give an example, they ran an article like this about a paramedic who, it was revealed, was thoroughly addicted to drugs. Now, the NY Post would still be trash in doing such a salacious report on that person, but at least there would be this

Mrs. America would probably be just as high on my list as that show was a true powerhouse of a whole. I’m still struggling to understand how the hell it was snubbed as hard as it was by the Emmys, but it is what it is.

It really hit me that Mythic Quest actually came out this year as I keep thinking it being from 2019. In that case, yes, absolutely, Mythic Quest should be on this list as it that was one hell of a journey.

My favorite the homophobic accusation is that not only was it really extreme, he literally wished gays to be wiped off the face of the planet, he is bitter that people accuse him of being a homphobe even now. While basically calling the people doing that with very deragatory terms. I love this guy.

Even for Jets fans, this level of comparison feels harsh. I mean, haven’t they suffered enough, they’re rooting for a team coached by Adam Gase.

Well, who am I to question such scientific results. I guess that is a burden that I shall have to carry for the rest of my years. Now I will need to do some research if that makes me immune to being a condescending commenter who feels to need to dumb comments in response to someone liking something they didn’t. I

...Yes, that was truly an objective statement completely unsupported by the general tone of the discussion on his appearance, facially features especially. But I am glad that after reading that you felt such an overwhelming need to post a correction to me in order to slam someone’s appearance.

I had so much fun watching this episode. One thing I felt that helped them that while Chalamet is a stunningly gorgeous human being, he has this odd energy to him, so the writers realized that instead of leaning on him being a hunk, they just went for weirdness. And while that did result in a lot of sketches where it

I think that would essentially be the first Assassin’s Creed where Altair learns about the Templar conspiracy.

I’ll freely admit that I got a pretty big laugh from that Orlando paper de-supporting. You live and learn, paper, live and learn. And speaking of media, man that right wing media is probably going hot in trying to spin this in to a positive, especially after how hard the Trump peeps hitched them to the SC case.

So after just having finished the game and all the quests, the first thought I have is that that was brilliant. That long ending was probably one of the best I’ve ever played and just the beats and emotions it hit is nearly beyond words.

Hell, that transition is made even more tragic by the fact that Hytham notes on the return of the last medallion that that marked the destruction of the last Order stronghold. Another one of those notes that seems like positive news that was instead signaling the arriving tragedy.

Avoiding spoilers as I near the end, so didn’t read anything here. Just after seeing that headline I chuckled as I already knew to expect a batshit insane ending, I’m just hoping they handle the landing a lot better than what Odyssey did.

As a sidenote, something I’ve been pondering is what is the next AC setting as I’m hoping that they finally go outside the Western/Middle-eastern world. Indian subcontinent would be a fascinating one as the mythology there is so rich and the history allows for so much.

I’m on the final stretch of Assassin’s Creed Valhalla and Heaven’s above that game is massive. Still, absolutely loving the story and characters so far, with Eivar probably already my favorite AC protagonist up to this point. There are just so many layers to both his/her story, but also the motivations and

If it does take place after ME3, then that trailer would indicate it would have been the Destroy ending. Which kind of makes sense as that would probably be the clearest setting as it does involve a massive amount of rebuilding, the collapse of the old infrastructure and room for a massive power struggle. Still, so

They will not. Also, no matter how you may feel about the game, think about what a spit in to the face of those who liked ME3. This ‘acknowledging the contribution of the community’ is only valid if we consider that part of the community matters so much more than the other part that they are literally the only ones

While I got that they were going for an action movie feel, I didn’t really get a proper sense of the show, if it makes sense. Like Loki got me going as I understood what will make that show stand out, but this just felt really generic.

I honestly thought of that show the moment I read this and almost made a comment about how there had already been a female version of Zorro.

On a positive side, at least it is an improvement on the previous trailer. On the negative side, I would be more positive about this if it wasn’t for that atrocious last trailer where it really felt like they don’t know what the game even is. Which does not make the generic vibe of this trailer feel any better.