
What made this even more amusing/frustrating was that when they switched to the new health system with no healing spells, health regeneration and limited amount of healing potions, they explained it was because it helped with encounter design and prevented them having to lean on so much on damage sponge bosses. Which

Ellis isn’t Anders’s VA in DA2, just in Awakening.

Interference is a difficult term. Don’t get me wrong, I know EA’s reputation, but Darrah had been at the company for years and had been appointed the lead of that project under EA. Casey had been brought to be the studio head by EA. So while I can easily believe that there were some questionable pushes by EA, in this

Note the difference between older and old. In MGS, Snake is already a grizzled veteran and needs that kind of energy. This isn’t about how he should look like an old man like Old Snake.

Yeah, and I mean it is kind of ridiculous as I could easily believe that things were going over at Bioware considering the abrupt way Darrah left at the seeming stage of DA development, but man was this a hilariously bad approach by Ellis.

Yeah. I mean after a quick google search I did learn a lot about the racial discussion on Moby Dick, but it still has literary value both from a historical and a classical perspective. Still I kind of agree that it probably isn’t a book for HS students, but I think there’s an interesting question then on what kind of

I’m still trying to figure out how they are going to pull of Liquid Snake in this movie as it would just feel wrong if he wasn’t the big bad here.

Really like the casting. Something I feel that Isaac will add to the role is that he has that older energy to him, the greying hair adding to it, which I feel is a really important part of Solid Snake.

This does feel major, especially since this time Hudson didn’t announce that he was leaving to go to another company. Also the fact that Darrah left at the exactly the same time, just as they are supposedly in the middle of that push to finish DA4 is a pretty big signal in itself.

When I read the tweet referencing Melissa a s a drunk woman, I initially thought that it was a random slam. Then I started watchign the clip and within ten seconds I was wondering if she was on something. That was wild.

My favorite part of it when she proclaimed that she signed something that meant that she would go to jail if she was lying. Which is she is, so that’s a pretty questionable flex there, Melissa. Also, when she asked Johnson if he had done something similar was an odd moment as that does not reflect the validity of

Wait, does this mean that upcoming Berlanti Green Lantern show will not bea a part of the Arrowverse? As is this how it is introduced?

Jesus Christ that Loeffler video. On a positive side, it wasn’t actually her who made the claim about having to wait for that paycheck. On the negative side, it somehow made it even worse. Also when starting to watch it, I assumed that they would spin some Cinderella story about a poor youth or something. Instead the

Agreed that the intellectually dishonest part from me was a bit too harsh. I think that not only is it that fixed endpoint issue, but he also falls to the same trap we often as fans in that if he has an issue with something, everything he likes can’t be a part of that problem. So because of that he is making this

Hence why this is about the R rating as the video actually defends fictional violence as long as it is fun. Seriously, the argument presented here is so messed up that I honestly don’t know what it is even supposed to be. And a big part of it is that it isn’t even trying to step back to examine the issue, but rather

Even the Snyder attack in this context is weird, and I’ll admit that Ilike MoS and BvS, in that neither of those movies were R-rated when they came to the theaters. The argument can be made about darkness and stuff like that, but even there I don’t know how fundamentally darker BvS is to say to Avengers Infinity War

Out of curiosity, I ended up watching Happiest Season, which was a weird experience. It was fine,. I sort of liked it, and the acting was awesome, but Jesus Christ I could not understand some of the storytelling choices. Like I get that they wanted it have a traditional happy ending, but I really wish they wouldn’t

On the DC front, they even changed that initial approach. I mean if you look at their recent and upcoming films, it’s clear that they are actually now freeing up the tone a lot and giving directors opportunities to make their own movies instead of worrying about the franchise tone or style. So the argument becomes

My big issue with the video is that I don’t really understand what the point he is trying to make is. I mean, yes obviously the R rated gritty superheroes and all that, but is it really such a big trend at the moment?

What makes this awesomely awkward, not that it will affect anything, is that when Tucker Carlson spoke about the show asking Powell to come on and show the evidence, the right wing media circuits hit really hard back at him and accused of him being another example of Fox News failing Trump.