
Hell, Biden’s campaign already stated that United States government is able to remove trespassers.

It’s essentially that if he flips Arizona, then he only needs Pennsylvania and they think that once they purge the illegal votes there, then that state will go for him. I want to stress, that is the twisted logic, it just doesn’t make any sense.

Except your kind of mistaken as my whole point is that the current position doesn’t allow for reasonable action. That would be to see that the senate hangs in the balance and try to look past all the mess to get it, even from the Republican side. However, because of the insanity of the Trump boys, they’ve basically

I have a question for those more familiar with the Georgian Senate race scene. I mean am I overly optimistic in feeling that, while the races will be tight, that both of the Democratic candidates have pretty decent changes here as they are running in a state which most likely just flipped, which probably gets their

It was actually surprising and set a tone for the campaign that I don’t think the other side expected. I mean they are going to go for the attack ads, but as pointed here, the knot they are about to twist themselves to will be amazing.

As a late note, I ended up watching the Trump presser, which, while being insanely dangerous, was also pretty hilarious in how pathetic it was. It seemed pretty clear that Trump knows, no matter how desperately he is trying to deny it, that he lost the election. My favorite part, though, was when he left without

I love that Grenell’s answer to the question of evidence about his claims is that go ask the people he’s accusing. Like the baseline level of preparedness is embarrassing here.

I get the concession thing, I just got such a laugh out how vague James was being with details.

What I find hilarious is that while in Pennsylvania they are going all in on teh STOP THE COUNT, in Arizona is only about FINISH THE COUNT.

By the way, as an addition to the Pennsylvania count, they haven’t even started with the provisional ballots. In a way, I understand why the Trump campaign as hard as they are as while nothing is impossible, things do look pretty catastrophic for them in Pennsylvania.

For reasons currently unknowable, in the Michigan senate race, the Republican challenger John James refuses to concede to the Democrat incumbant Gary Peters despite having lost the race. The reason? Allegations of voter fraud that he feels should be investigated. The details of the voter fraud? Not given. Who should

I ended up watching, out of curiosity, the Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar’s press conference. I felt so bad for her, because it seems like Pennsylvania has set up a pretty detailed and transparent system to follow the vote count. Yet despite all of that work, she still has to explain in a press

Why is it in 9 states ‘ebony lesbians’? It’s not just such a weird search instead of just searching for lesbians, but ebony isn’t exactly a common term to use in that situation either? Is it?

I was kind of the same. When I read the initial results, I was a bit giving up and sighing about the following four years. Then I started reading the analyses and details, and have grown more positive with each hour. And I can also admit, feeling even slightly guilty about it, that in addition of knowing that Trump is

This is kind of crazy, but apparently if the current projections hold, Biden would get the greatest share of American votes in the history of the election. Trump would be second. This election really was stunning for a lot of reasons.

I actually kind of feel for the pollsters here, especially since similar things have been seen in other countries.

On the last part there, the Democrats flipped of moderate candidates who won previously Republican districts. While the general argument, and I’ll expand on this is a little below, is that DNC needs to get more progressive sounds really nice, the truth is that it will inevitably hurt them in those districts. Hell,

I don’t quite understand the point you’re trying to make? I’m not arguing that the circumstances lead people to horrible deeds, my issue was that the level in which they don’t want to hold anyone responsible for anything, unless it’s white collar crime, is to the point where it starts removing that humanity as it

There was a New York Times article today that reported that Trump’s advisors have told him that he has the necessary Electorial College voted pretty much guaranteed, largely because they know that is what he wants to hear. Also Trump was talking about a last minute effort at New Mexico, which he felt they could flip.

Thanks to this series of articles, I ended up binge-listening to the You’re Wrong About podcast and it’s been a really weird experience. I’ve learned a lot and the podcast has provided really good cultural context for several events, but at the same time I’m really struggling with Sarah Marshall and especially her