
While understandable, still really sad we never got a sequel to the 2017 movie as man did I like those kids.

Hey, that Krispy Kream product placement was so overt that it was legitimately amazing.

I did see that in hte Miami Herald article along with the other crazy stuff.

I mean, is it really that outrageous for the ex-wife to want to continue to live in the Miami mansion even if she got married to another guy and bought a million dollar condo in Las Vegas? And sure, it does appear like she is extorting Collins, but again maybe Phil shouldn’t have told his wife things if he didn’t want

Adding to the debate mess, the Trump campaign has made sudden demands on the focus of the third debate only three days before the actual event and has accused of the moderating board to be pro-Biden. The big issue is that they want it to focus completely on foreign policy, almost certainly because they are really

So I’m not pushing back on the grade, these are always subjective opinions which is allows for discussion. What I will push back on, though, is the argument that the people happy with the episode is because they are just happy with what they got instead of thinking on how things could have been better. These things

-Rebecca possessed Flora so that Flora wouldn’t have to experience the horror of death. Like Rebecca literally explains that while asking Flora to let her in.

-The Lady of the Lake doll was just a doll to signify where she was, just like with all the other dolls. The little ghost kid was moving them around the dollhouse to indicate where everyone was. If the Lady of the Lake doll was beneath the dresser (?), then she was in teh lake.

I didn’t realize Flannigan originally had a darker ending in mind, what was it if you don’t mind the question?

I’ll be honest, I have real no idea where this interpretation comes from, although I will also soon reveal myself a hypocrite.

Regarding the ending of Hill House, I disagree that the show forgot that the House was evil, but rather that they hadn’t made the rules explicit. I mean if you look at the season, the rules are there and it is clear that the House cannot stop anyone from leaving it. Also to remain there is portrayed as a curse,

Few quick notes on the finale:

As a sidenote, while I still personally hold Hill House and Bly Mansion seasons pretty equal, for now the success of that final episode puts Bly a little bit ahead. The problem with the Hill House finale is that while I do view the central message and performances in it positively, time has smoothed away memories of

I’ll freely admit that I cried multiple times during that finale and even after watching it, found myself just tearing up when thinking on that final shot.

Which is kind of the general thing I’ve been reading. That a lot of people liked Biden’s performance because it was boring technical talk and they kind want politics to go back to being that.

Not something mentioned here, but I’ve seen criticism of Biden’s weird approach to the Supreme Court packing question where he said that he would wait until the Barrett vote to give his stance on the question, but would still do so before Election day. And I get the criticism as it is such a skirting approach, but I

I cannot explain how hard Biden winning the rating war against Trump made me laugh. Especially because normally I don’t think that really matters that much, but Trump has made his ratings such a source of pride that this has to hurt him so bad. What probably makes it even worse is that the general consensus on Biden’s

Little bit nervous as the first season was really underwhelming. I felt the central issue with it is that while the footage/tape of Raniere is an interesting viewpoint to how cult leaders work, as a cult leader himself, he was kind of generic. And what I always found interesting with the NXIVM case was the people

Yeah, the placement is the issue. After finishing the series, I now even get why they did this episode, but they should have put it earlier in the series.

No spoilers either, but I finished the final episode literally about ten minutes ago and you can probably what I’m still doing right now. Holy Hell that final episode. I don’t know how long it will take me to come back from that.