
Really liked the way all those central characters arcs and motivatiosn were drawn together here. What I appreciate is that I now have an idea why everyone on the defense side is so committed to the task and what drives them. That motivation gives them clarity and also makes them feel distinct from each other.

The reason I keep kind of coming around to Interceptt is that I remember earlier in the year, and especially during the Reade allegation, Intercept and the kind of journalism it represented was really pushed as the real deal while old main stream media publications like the New York Times were just bashed. Hell, I’ve

I think that is the kind of pushback that is the worst for Trump as it isn’t even someone asking Trump to justify his position, instead it is someone basically laughing off the whole claim to his face.

By the way, I just need to write this as a sidecomment, when I went online to check if I remembered Biden’s stance correctly, I was like legitimately shocked how badly the Intercept seems to misquote him on the subject. It was even completely unnecessary as there are legitimate criticisms to his suggestion.

This is something actually a point both Biden and Pelosi made several times during the BNL protests. The federal goverment does not decide police budgets, the local municipal goverments do, so they cannot state should the police be defunded or not. This isn’t to say either of them support such actions, just pointing

By the way, on the question about the shootings, I read an article about it recently as there have been more shootings in New York this year which are also going unsolved. It was genuinely absurd to read how the NYPD both argued it was just due to a gang war and not because they were pulling a slow-down, but it was

Dear Lord that scoffing correction from Chris Wallace that Biden does not want to defund the police. Also this was kind of a brilliant ad from Fox News for the interview as what the hell will happen when Trump sees that the charter does not say anything about abolishing the police. Also have to give credit to Wallace

My playthrough of Gears 5 continues as does the games baffling narrative decision.

You know, you are right, prostitutes can be strong characters and should be treated with more respect in comics. However, with Frank Miller, the only way a woman can look strong is if it somehow connects with her sex appeal.

My favorite thing about that is that it was originally meant to be a Batman comic, but DC took a look at the script and essentially went hard effing no. So Miller ended up writing with his own protagonist, who is clearly meant to be Batman, while explaining how it is actually better this way and he didn’t even want to

I don’t think it’s even knowing what comic book fans think of Miller, but rather just reading his work, especially recent.

I’ll admit that the moment when the review claimed that strong female characters are a hallmark of Miller’s work, I stared at the screen stunned for a long while. Like that is a ridiculously hot take.

Admittedly I want to make the comment about a leader reflecting an organization and this being another example of how bad a leader Snyder is, which to be fair is probably true, the mechanisms described preventing the women from coming forward before probably apply to majority of the teams. Which in turn sadly means

As I’ve read a few of these about Ellen, I keep thinking about her appearance on the Conan podcast. She, for me, is still probably the worst guest they ever had and through the whole interview felt like she had this wall around her even there and came across really weird. That isn’t to say it automatically meant that

Last week there was an interesting news article which explained that the Democratic Party wanted the Biden campaign to go big in places like Georgia and Texas, where the RNC was showing signs of weakness, while reportedly the Biden campaign itself wanted to be more careful and first secure those key states before

It is really fascinating to read them having this open about the creative process and the last minute changes as while I generaly enjoyed the movie, I could not figure out the final resolution of it for the life of me. Not surprising in anyway, but just feels kind of nice to just read it being a result of something

Fun fact, one of the character points in the original cut of the film was that both Shaggy and Scooby smoked a lot of weed. That too was cut out of the final release.

Was this that big of a revelation as I remember during the promotional tour for the film that Cardellini made it clear several times that Velma was supposed to be in love with Daphne and that they even filmed those scenes, but the studio got cold feet and cut all those scenes out. Actually, even more hilariously, they

Holy Hell that slam at the end by the interviewer was brutal.

Of course it would have been easy, but there wasn’t any of the standard mechanics they use to set those up. Hence my guess about Delia that turned out to be correct. Also not a complaint about Delia as I also felt this was a much stronger choice.