
To be honest, I don’t know. I mean it is more epic, but the film already had so much of that.

Yeah, but I don’t expect them to be have economic debates to be interesting. I’ve listened to several interviews with Instagram influencers who have come across really fun and engaging about the stuff they’re enthusiastic about. This bunch just doesn’t feel the same.

I’m really torn on should I watch this show as the trailer made me laugh pretty hard, mostly how dumb it was, but also hit on two huge problems with the premise. First, it is really hard to empathize with how hard it is to be in a social environment without constantly having sex with everyone. As for most people,

For me, what was frustrating about Made of Honor is that My Best Friend’s Wedding did it better. I don’t even mean as a comedy, but at least that movie was ultimately about how you need to respect that person’s choice and not try to sabotage it while this movie is basically how you are completely in the right in that

Excellent point and I find myself agreeing. I think the youth vote was still important for Obama as it gave the initial boost that he was able to parley in to a wider coalition after proving himself a valid candidate. It is actually interesting to think of it as Obama and Sanders are really comparable in that way in

I was legit shocked to learn that Last Witch Hunter made its money back. Also, why is there so much need for Vin Diesel’s blatant self-insert stories about how awesome he is?

I think Sanders’s loss, especially the way he lost, is a huge challenge to the world views of certain parts of the progressive side which is struggling how to process it. Thus the need to point the finger at others for failing.

For me, it isn’t that the fight for medicare for all wasn’t worth fighting, but, as you mention, there didn’t seem to be any effort to really plan for it.

The youth vote gamble is a fair one, it is how Obama won after all. What was weird, though, was that even after it became evident that Sanders wasn’t moving the youth vote, Sanders still didn’t adjust.

When Biden was winning those first primaries, I read several really well argued analysis pieces which all essentially argued that Sanders was in a position where he needed to start to reach out to the moderates and extend his base. Yet his campaign almost went completely to the other way and there was a really

This actually hits on something that has driven me nuts about a lot of Bernie leaning news blogs and institutions. And I don’t mean to isolate Jezebel with this is as it is a wider things. There’s no real, genuine criticism about Bernie’s choices and what led to this. While I do think there is a great deal to laud for

What drove me nuts about the Bernie Socialism is that isn’t socialism. If you look for comparisons, it’s actually pretty close to being a social democrat, which when you start digging in to it is a lot easier sell than the socialism.

Oh I completely agree and do think there’s a lot in this situation that Biden’s campaign can be criticized for. It is rather, for me, that learning about the local elections, especially the State Supreme Court seat, provided the context for me to at least get why they would be putting out those insane statements about

By the way, I really the article itself had put that information in it as that does explain the silence from the Biden campaign on this subject. It doesn’t justify it, but at least then you would understand why his side is in a tough position as if they implore their voters to stay home, it really impacts those local

Okay, got you. Also seriously repulsive political manouvering.

I’m trying to figure out what the Wisconsin Republican party even achieves with this. It’s not their primary, there really isn’t that much question who’s winning it and it shouldn’t really affect the presidential voting there unless Republicans are genuinely hoping that this will kill of Democratic voters. So the only

I don’t know which made me laugh harder: The hardline questions by the OANN reporters or the facial expressions of the other reporters in the room.

I’m still trying to figure out how they equated not revealing the Penguin’s gender to it being treated as transgender.

That was such unexpectedly brilliant Wrestlemania. I had so much fun watching it, far more than I thought possible, and the general quality was really good. I think Night One was overall better, but the highs on Night Two were higher than those on Night One.

I didn’t state that Bernie should drop out, but rather that it seems weird to criticize people for thinking that he should drop out when these a pandemic going on and he doesn’t have a chance at victory.