Wario fucks
Wario fucks
I played this game extensively, then immediately played Phoenix Wright: Justice for All afterwards.
I distinctly recall a dream from almost 13+ years ago, now, where I was on trial for murder and Phoenix was my attorney. All I recall was the trial going very badly, and Phoenix dropped his head into his hands with…
Alphaville is such an amazing film. There’s literally a scene where an execution is performed by throwing a man in a pool, and female synchronized swimmers with knives jump in and cut him to pieces in unison.
It sucks because all the individual components of the new bathroom are sick. Love the shower, love the tub, love the sinks but together? Yeeesh.
I have had essentially this conversation with my receptionist. She’s 22 years old and has a very happy family life and is pursuing her degree at night, but she still gets very caught up in the office gossip and politics. As the hardened 40 year old, I explained to her that work is not her life. It is how she pays her…
Office relationships are the worst. I’m dealing with a bunch of cliquey hags right now.
One of the greatest displays of community spirit I’ve ever witnessed was on the L at rush hour. It was so crowded I could barely get my coffee mug to my face, but there was this woman hauling an obviously miserable six year old child who started to make little retching sounds, and someone else yelled “WE NEED A BAG…
On the train, I started to smell something foul. I glanced towards the back where there was a young woman changing a poopy diaper. Not the greatest situation, but I shrugged it off.
Forgot I owned God Eater 2, think I’m going to give that a try. Otherwise, gonna watch the wife surpass my progress in Let it Die by taking down the first Don.
I gave up waiting for a sale and picked up Obra Dinn so that’s my plan for this weekend. I also finally bought The Witcher 3 ($15 for game and all dlc) this past week so it might be time to finally get into that if I have time after Obra Dinn.
Don’t kid yourself - people have been abusing the totally helpless in this way since waaaaay before Trump.
Thimbleweed Park or Deponia!
equal parts dry gin, campari and sweet vermouth. None of these is pleasant on their own but together, well. an orange rind if you’re feeling fancy.
Aviations (gin, maraschino liqueur, lemon juice and creme de violette). Amazing blue-gray color that looks great in a martini glass, and an interesting but not overly floral taste. A lovely retro cocktail perfect for holiday gatherings.
However, my absolute current favorite is something called French Ginger Snap.…
I really like this film. It avoids the obvious path at practically every turn, right up to the ending.
Wait for the reviews. The writing has the potential to be all kinds of terrible.
Late to the party but Im also going to throw in my 2 cents.
Chris: another item to mention is DLC and game updates. While there weren’t too many games that had extra data post purchase, games like Skyward Sword had a game-breaking bug that needed to be fixed via downloading a special channel from the Shop channel. Also, games like Mega Man 9&10, Final Fantasy My Life as a…
Cubello was my JAM. The whole Art Style series was great. And there are no physical versions of these games, right? So... They’re just gone forever? Locked inside whoever’s Wiis and Wii Us have it? Unless there’s a ROM out there somewhere, that’s really sad.