Huh. I went through an archive crawl of that strip once and... It’s been pretty horny for most of its existence. What the hell are they complaining about!?
Huh. I went through an archive crawl of that strip once and... It’s been pretty horny for most of its existence. What the hell are they complaining about!?
Aw, only on iOS? Intergalactic Space Princess looked fun :(
I saw some gameplay video a couple years ago. It has really cool setting and characters, but the fights seem to be kinda repetitive.
Now I’m remebering that Gerald Durrell story about the ex-military gentleman who turned out to have the entire top floor of his house dedicated to playing miniature wargames.
Aaaaah, D. Now i remember being vaguely aware of it. Why would it be an impopular opinion?
I certainly don’t know.
Considering how much screwing seems to happen in changing rooms, I don’t think it would be weird.
Heeey, that actually sounds fun! (Would it feel weird if someone’s playing Ivy?)
There WAS a show that did exactly that! I don’t rememeber how it was called, but I watched it once or twice!
I want to fiddle some more with the Yesterday:Origins PC demo, but i’m worried.
Oh. What an appropiate name.
Mmmm...there’s a freeware version of the first chapter, maybe check it yourself.
Try the website UHS Hints. They give you scaled hints, the detail level going up progresssively instead of telling you everything from the first moment.
I don’t have any idea, becuase i’ve already given up on two games becuase of bugs this week and my Panzer Dragoon disk has disappeared.
They’ve been cranking out mobile spin-offs for a decade, it’s just they never get out of Japan.
This game looks pretty meh. People masturbate to this?
Now i’m womdering how pillbox hats stay in place.
Am I the only one who would worry about the chicken?
How’s the Ouya for emulation?