How is any of this disgusting?
How is any of this disgusting?
Wow, i've got to remember the name of those airlines if i go there soon.
Was it bad?
In Spain we already have a Mazinger!
When was that?
It's only the armor... the mechanism would be worth too much...
I seriously don't get it. What the &%$ is he trying to say?
Felt something similar when i began reading HunterxHunter last year. The lead protagonist is just that age, and it felt a bit weird (though he needs a special permit from his legal tutor to enter in the organization).
I'm gonna go ahead and make the assumption you're using irony.
Aaand who did those paintings?
Oooh! It makes me remeber a surrealist math book I had, Applied and Impertinent Arithmethics. It featured completely solid and solvable math problems, but substituted the classic trains and grocery runs with diapered brokers, obese baronesses and clergymen olympics.
In the hair, duh.
Diversificación de inversiones, o como se dice popularmente, ponerle una vela a dios y otra al diablo.
Now i'm wondering about the clusterfuck of phone numbers that there were in Barrow Hill.
Um, i just have a teeny doubt. ¿How do people who make LPs get any money from them?
Of course, i just wanted to refine the comparation.
um, isn't ARISE supposed to be an OVA?
Don't lose your time with it unless that sequel comes around, it's awful.
Spanish dub did.
I cenrtainly do.