
No no…. Luke’s right on this one, game was broken in every way, even in designs…. Lockpicking had to be completely revamped because it was impossible to do it on the ps4… I sent my ps4 one back to get it on steam just for a chance to be able to play it right, secondly the way leveling works is really bs, also aspects

Ah... one of the few times I login to voice my opinion, so where to begin? Bug ridden? Bad? Not balanced? Etcetc... yep, I have 900 hours on it, even wrote a guide... because of how updates are I got siderailed on my lu bu campaign because a key mechanic didn’t work which resulted in the whole campaign being tossed,

Ah a comment that has caused me to hop onto chrome just to login and do comments...

Yeah, I don’t really have anything to add on, your argument is solid. I just really dislike the thought of: if you lose your pet dies... 

I’m just going off my memories of the good ol Xbox cod days lol. More specificly the tryhards. 

Welp, one of the few times a article has tempted me to go out of safari and go into google just to login to comment....

Don’t be giving them ideas!

Now playing

You asked and you shall receive..... one title and a video that shows why it’s so bad.... behold my son I introduce you to the real gaming sins channel.....

Considering this is m2... (I think, didn’t check page) some things are vastly different from recent total war, my guess is they are rivals cause one is a rebellion, also since I didn’t look, someone who is more knowledgeable in the Witcher may know why they at war, my guess is this is pre w3 since Witcher numbers were

“Great” I got around 700hrs or so in it, finding the best exploits, 2months after launch you know what I learned? Liu bei, turn 2 you can absorb every fucking faction, I had the entire map except the han (who were my vassals cuz for Liu bei’s special gimmick doesn’t allow absorbion of them like every other faction. So

I agree with what mostly everyone says about this, a shame but they been lacking the spark... however I just remembered nintendo stopped doing paper Mario because it was “too similar” to the Mario and Luigi rpg series... so you know what? Thousand year door sequel here we goooo... (paper 1 great, thousand was amazing,

Honestly I find the people who is famous but not 1m+ famous is more likely to interact with chat or comments on yt then others, the reason? Way too many of us and only 1 of them... honestly doing something like you even once a year must be overwhelming and draining...

And porn... whenever there’s a streamer or etc in the news for something stupid but is somehow well known just google (insert name) leaked nudes and you will find your answer. Not trying to shame or anything but it’s getting to the point where if the new “thing” appears aka a person and i have no time to get into the

I’m 100percent sure quests does expire as for the one shotted that might be because I had mages with weak def, the enemy with the cav would attack me before my turn resulting in death :( as for the slander gate? When you had access to both protags and advance the story a stationary mob would stay, however that mob

Mind if I add onto this? Spoilers

Correct me if I’m wrong but don’t you need a nintendo membership to save your data and stuff online? Hell I was pissed three houses offers me to connect online, the catch? Need that membership... and it’s not even pvp or anything like that, the bonuses I get is sometimes extra exp or some random items... they not

Honestly what I did was wait for the fistful of fish event to appear and went hog wild on catching fish, by month 9 or so I was professor rank a+, this was my “first” playthrough, keep buying bait and all that, you have to get a c in heavy armor for ferd (fuck him btw) and a c in brawl, I’m 99percent sure Casper’s B


Yep, kinda wish they made you a freelance professor, allowing you to temp aid a house while being able to nurture other house’s students without recruiting, likewise perhaps making you choose to support a house during the ball and thus locking you into that house would have been much better.

Story was pretty good for what it was, the music was amazing... espically when you listen to other people covering the songs and it’s just so enjoyable. I don’t remember having to grind out affection like I had to do with awakening just to get a child’s paralogue... dlc was... well dlc, it was what it was, can’t