
Hey, I got a butt that people like to look at! You think KFC will pay my rent? Have they moved into Canada yet?

@corndog: You can be reasonably sure that Will Ferrell is joking, but you can't be sure that the asshole frat boy at that party who makes jokes about roofies isn't serious.

blah blah blah very impressive, very talented girl, blah, blah.

Now playing

That was the least funny thing I think Will Ferrell has ever done, and I'm counting Blades of Glory.

The fuck is wrong with everyone?

@Les.Filles101001: Why would anyone rip your comment apart? Its a valid contribution.

I really think they should have just gone along with it, and made the Republicans carry through with the fillibuster.

@CarolineGoodbye99: To be fair, Amanda Seyfried is trying, at least. She takes Nicolas Sparks to a slightly watchable level, AND she can tell whether its raining or not by feeling her boobs.

Y'know, I've thought about this quite a lot, and I don't think Gabourey has been white-washed. It may be a bad photo, but reason its a bad picture isn't really to do with the bright lights.

@jackaholmes: It really, really doesn't. Its seriously brillo-pad-esque.

I just watched Casablanca with my grandfather. I'm not surprised by the willingness of this lady to blame a black person, seems like she suspected that they would just round up the usual suspects.

@STEVE_H0LT: Wow, what the author of this piece was completely waiting for was validation from a person with a penis. All that talk about reclaiming your autonomy and seeing women as complete human beings, not just caricatures based on their looks? That's just what girls say when they feel ugly and insecure.

Thanks for telling us exactly how Jennifer Hudson should feel about her own body and her own choices. Oh, and that bit where you implied that she only said what she said because she had been paid a whole lot of money? That's not condescending at all.

@Auruor: You get that? Because I sure as hell don't.

@Auruor: Well, commenting standards only really apply to commenters, not contributors.

@frazier.averylane: Meh. Penny isn't dumb, she's just socially-adjusted and of normal intelligence. Its Sheldon and Leonard who make everyone else look moronic.

@HidingInCanada: Actually, fuck this. Apparently the acid was "rubbed" on? The FUCK?