
You know what probably happened? She probably had an accident with acid, and was too embarrassed to say so to the police, and then things snowballed. That's the impression I have from reading the articles. I really don't think there was any intention of framing anyone, like that "backwards B" McCain supporter.

There is a severe lack of Spike on this page.

@Gimmi Mørgäikkönën: Yeah, she was definitely the hardest drinking person on that ship, after Tigh and Ellen.

However they work, keep 'em coming. SSRIs gave me my life back.

@Timothy Neill: Opposite with me, mate. When I was depressed, I couldn't read, I couldn't think, all I did was sit on the couch or lie in bed and watch television.

@jodark: That's extremely naive, to think that there isn't a business culture where female employees in the public eye are encouraged to slut it up for the camera.

I definitely understand where you're coming from. It seems like Ines wants it both ways; she want the respect that comes with being a newscaster, respect that her male colleagues are granted automatically, but she also has definitely manipulated her way to her current position. She only became famous because she was

@CurtCole: Grammar nazi! Grammar nazi!

I'm taking it that you guys aren't Ben Folds fans?

@1girl: If the subject pool is mostly college students, then long term probably means you know the other person's name, and you see each other more than once.

Did he HAVE to use autotune on this? What you are is fake, dude.

With a cast like that, you just gotta hope the movie will turn out well.

Seriously? Does high fashion really have to mean that you walk out looking like a hot mess?

The biggest thing to remember is that your partner is not your therapist, he is your partner. He can be there for you if you feel low, but you should not use him as your emotional dumping ground. Its just not fair, for anyone involved.

@Vixen5: Chelsea needs the GOO!!!

@Sandjampanda: Since when is goddamn Avon, CT in the South? Since when does that white-ass town have any other black people in it other than 50 Cent? I don't understand that guy, no one in their right mind CHOOSES to live there.

The girl is lovely, but she'd look so much better without all that make-up and tanning lotion and lip gloss.

The girl is lovely, but she'd look so much better without all that make-up and tanning lotion and lip gloss.

@Rats: Or — an expensive dress that she bought two sizes too small.

What is WITH the make-up and hair on these ladies? I just don't get it — it doesn't go with the whole upbeat feel of the collection.