
Who is the they in your equation? Do you think they are stupid, and not capable of being treacherous and conniving?

You speak as if examination and observation yield nothing.

Righton CMetal, glad you like :D

Now playing

Late to the party, but I do believe it needs an appropriate a soundtrack...

So he's shook? That's not very self congratulatory.

I'm sure you could find someone on Craigslist for that kind of activity...

It's amazing that feminism didn't implode when this game hit the shelves... in 1987.

Does weird mean sporting some sort of science fiction television series garment, infused with the janky rundown motel-room comforter? If so, I second the vote.

Whaaat, 'eleventy one' ? ...I do believe that's NUMBERWANG!

I can think of other ways ninnies waste their time... *cough cough * F-marry-kill *cough* sorry, had something in my throat, for a second there, what was I saying, again?

That's why they call'em 'the dirty 30's' ! ...because it's full adult, and the dating pool is vast.

Comics aren't always known for their subtly.

When you go after a "type" you, in turn, become a "type".

This Nolan chick is taken aback, taken aback I say! that Connolly "found the time", as in made a few rudimentary clicks and discovered a wealth of information in regards to the people that were talking shit about him?

Hugo's a bum, whatever, but, was male a vanity a thing among the aristocracy or all classes of men? I've only ever seen portraits of rich dandies that fit the bill of 'vanity', so I don't know inside and out. I'm guessing, I'm not historian, so please fill me in, but, I'd bet any guy (or girl) busting their hump day

No no, 'faaked' as in "fawked" ; think a kind of New England accent, like New Hampshire, someone bumps in to you at a bar and knocks the beer out of your hand, "Duuude, whaat tha faak, man?" ...guy buys ya another drink and then trades jokes with ya. Something is thoroughly disturbing, "Holy-shit! that was faaaked!"

Hey, so when you throw a kick, do flames come out of your feet? and have you mastered your relationship with unseen forces in such a way, you can make an unlimited supply of weapons and projectiles fly from your hands? yahahha! jus messin! ;D

Sonya Blade MK1: might as well be in a kick-boxing/aerobics/yoga outfit. I've seen girls where that stuff at the grocery store. Show me a kick boxer wearing baggy jeans and a puffy coat, and I'll show you a loser of the match, because that outfit cost them mobility (total BS, but I think you know what I'm getting at).

Fair nuff. But when she uses an example, and leaves out the rest of the game, it doesn't make ya wonder a bit? Chick gets gut punched and kidnapped, 2 guys, go through hell and back, tossing guys... and girls.. off of cliffs, beating them with baseball bats and all other kids of baddassery to right the wrong that

Weren't there female thugs in Double Dragon? Granted, it's been a awhile, as I'm 35yrs of age, and sure, there was no Ice, Ivy, Saw or whatever as a playable female character instead of the male Hammer and Spike; which would have been cool and NBFD.