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jeez, ville, thats a lot of pudding HAHAHAHAHAH ,, you ever seen a bunch of whiny bitchass kids trying to sport wood when they should be rocking a spacesuit with a bubble and wings? ya man.,., s’like that. Obliterating to this one aint half bad at all,, dont even have the pysch words for it— i still think his relaying

Bananalana ding doh!

zartan didnt do it! ;D

so silly, you're supposed to do it on a counter/table top in a dimly lit part of the day (perhaps morning or late afternoon) without your light fixtures on and the sun sending a couple beams through the window...

Even the term geoengineering sticks in my craw at times. Our planet is a soil engine: bio mass, bio mass! BIO MASS! Duuude, the worms crawl in and the worms crawl out! I submit that a lot the engineering has been done before modern humans even got on the scene...

The "jerk from Wisconsin" is talkin about accents? Bwhwhhaha

The suet is a lie!

Isn't there a point where you just torch the relationship, if you're not going to infiltrate the organization, and toss up a headline, "God Hates Fags—But Fred Phelps Loves'em" after an interview like that?

...if you feel terrible you are putting waaaay too much emphasis on this silliness we all get up to, linking and griping, and linking and joking, linking and flirting, linking and whateveritis we get up to... as I said, acknowledge, move on— it is quite minor. Next time... make a post about it. So we can discuss it

Don't sweat the small stuff, young jenn4! Some felt it was tacky (it was)... just acknowledge and carry on. Everyone on clt has made a ginormous ass of themself at one time or another, in RL or cyberland, and this barely qualifies; so really, just let it fade. I bet you people would have showed up to talk about it,

The broad has spread herself thin, that's what happens. You are not her, you are not Jezebel. You are Jenn4 or whatever your real name is.

If jenn4 created a post for us to discuss there, on clt, and linked to her comments within that post, it would be discussed away from the jezebel contingent where it ought to be; and stylistically make some kinda sense in context of the forum, that chooses to be neither GT or CT, ya know? "Oh, she's trying to get us

To make waves, waves make money, and money keeps the lights on at Gawker media... I hear ya, it's a fairly crummy endeavor, but, on the other hand, I'm all in favor of exposing charlatans.

I think it's largely about a gossip site attempting to expose a fairweather feminist, no?

(pssst, have you ever seen a disclaimer that gawker media isn't a suite of gossip rags? is there one within the collection that doesn't dabble in gossip at least, some of the time?)

Hehh hehh, why am I not surprised that is your response, rocking a name like, Flubbard? Hey, do you suppose Cohen got the joke... ?

Oh, oh, my mistake; I must have been thinking of The Nanny.

It was a rib ;D

She really is super gorgeous; loved her on That '70s Show.