
Your zygote, is in, grave danger.

Bill O'Reilly and his goons are smirking right now. Shame on me for indirectly calling O'Reilly a journalist, but, uhmm... ya.

Basically, to split or branch off...

I hope I'm not the only clod that had to look up bifurcated.

As far as your first question, I can offer this as an answer: stealing money would be wrong, but cyber vandalism... well, that's actually just swanky activism.

"They are lonely people that are programmed to feel that they need an enemy at all times,"

The mark of a truly feckless bully is when they scurry away and tell their parents the moment things get difficult for them. Five-dollar honor with a fifty-dollar attitude.

Customer service is like verbal chess. Whenever I trained people in the past, I always taught them to never kiss ass, but be very mindful of the verbiage they use and project an expectation of mutual respect.

Hey thanks. Oh, for sure.

[redacted] was trying to hit cancel

Reminds me of a story the media got all enchanted with about Monica Lewinsky having a misunderstanding at the cleaners back when that whole thing was going on (man those guys will report anything). I was still a knucklehead teenager but I'll always remember it...

You know you've crossed the threshold to maturity when hand-me-downs are no longer off-putting, even if it's something like your mom's old purse that she hauled around for years.

What's this you say about whore's today Read, do we get to take our pick?

You must construct additional Cylons.