
What do you think “cold open” means that offends your sensibilities so much?

...this article is certainly some kind of take!

Please stop letting Alex Kurtzman write.

That Krakowski “controversy” is still baffling to me, a central part of her character was that she literally white-washed herself to disconnect from her ancestry and live a more priviliged life as an attractive white woman. I guess it must have been one of those things where people got up in arms against something

Yeah, unless I misunderstand the whole idea of social media, aren't those posts easily visible anyway? 

If people want to seriously come after that guy, I don’t think he’s obligated to blur their account names. They’re probably mostly fake anyway.

And articles like this help me make an informed decision about which developers I support.

On the contrary, I was more than pleasantly surprised by a deeper, more personal article than what the title implied.

In fairness, it’s been a good 20 years since any “Simpsons” episode had a reason to exist.

Phrasing it that way makes it seem like the movie behaved as a didactic scold. It completely answered the questions, and did so through the same adventure storytelling the movies have always done. Some folks may have not liked the answers, but that’s more a product of preconceived ideas than any failure of the movie.

I go the other way. The fact that JJ Abrams has issues with The Last Jedi only confirms my feeling that it’s a masterpiece.

Spending the months leading up to Joker’s release anticipating how bad it will be and then putting it on the worst of the year list for not living down to your expectations is pretty much Peak 2019 AV Club.

Okay, sure.

Comics are as awful now as they have always been, you just remember the good stuff. This is like when old men whine that new music is terrible, why can’t it be like the Stones. They just dont remember the dumb pop from their youth. Everything has always been terrible with a handful of exceptions, and we remember the

Total disagreement. This is definitely your perspective and I'd say it's fairly incorrect. 

Yeah, I’m just going to continue avoiding thinking about Beck’s Scientology or lack thereof.

The Golden Years ended in ~1999 in my opinion, around when Groening and the better writers left for a bit to start Futurama. Plots before then, for the most part (with exceptions like Homer going to space), were relatively realistic and down-to-earth. Thoughtful comedy writing, grounded relatable characters,

What? It’s like saying “fuck pokemon for it’s normalization of animal fights” or “fuck Need for Speed for it’s glorification of illegal racers”.

Why?  He’s awesomeness personified!  I wish he was my dad.

Wait do we want him to? I know there was some trouble on Hellboy, although it seemed like that production was pretty bad all around. Was there something else I missed, or just not a fan?