Myra Flection

Hello ?!!!! Comey said they haven’t left. It’s still happening.

Yep, and he has a little angry army that frightens the helll out of me. His supporters are as completely delusional as he is. And they’re well armed.

And not one mention of the navy members who just died. He’s despicable.

If you translated Trump’s speech into German he’d sound exactly like Hitler.

He’s telling his base that “the media” is stealing his presidency. When Muehler comes down with the hammer. and he will soon, he’s never going to admit that he did anything wrong. It will all be a blame-others game and he just wants his base to have that perspective as well.

Yes !!!!!

I have, and still do, both those videos ! I like the music in them. The first one I just adjust and go more slowly and with less reps.

He’s toast. The only reason he’s not gone within the next year is that the Dems don’t want Pence. It’s better to have an annoying but fairly powerless Trump. I mean, he has no allies ! No one likes him. He demands loyalty but is the first one to throw his friends under the bus. His agenda is dead in the water.

“cultivated hesitation in her voice”

This is gold and makes me miss Pissing Contest.

It’s one of the reasons this show is so good. You can’t easily predict what’s going to happen. I think that’s so different from most movies and tv shows and why many of us enjoy talking about it.

Benioff and Weiss said last week that the phrase, “ that’s not you” goes back to when Edard Stark was telling Arya that she’d someday be a lady in a castle. She replied to him.” That’s not me.” So she was acknowledging to her dire wolf that Nymeria belongs in the wild with her pack now not tamed in a castle.

You might want to give him another chance. I can understand his style is not to everyone’s taste but I really value the few people out there willing to speak truth to power. It’s a lot easier to accept the million dollar salary and not rock the boat. See Chuck Todd and his pronouncement, “ I can’t question anyone too

Thanks for the link. The Atlantic is awesome.

Why ? Because he calls out many Democrats and members of the “liberal” media for being complete sell-out gate-keeping liars ? Painful truths are hard to swallow. I think his shit is dead-on balls accurate to quote Mona Lisa Vito.

Right ?

She’s got her own gig now and is on point as ever.

Great stuff, thanks.

Thank the gods, the old and new.