Myra Flection

Do you have the mint contained ? Otherwise it will take over your garden universe.

Mine also went in early May.


Also saw this little one this morning.

Garden thread !

I love her and thought that whole “ controversy “ was bogus. But it’s the constant double-standard. Liberals have to apologize and be shamed. Conservative raise money and get invited to the White House.

He certainly has an overbearing interview style. I couldn’t stand the way he glorified anything tea party related and don’t get me started on his war apologist stance during the Bush years, but he has still moments of real brilliance. I’ve seen him make them squirm on occasion and it’s glorious.

That show sucked bigly.

This is all true. Reagan started these policies in California as governor then went national. I try to tell the millennials I know how different the country used to be. You never saw people living on the streets like you do now. The country was not recognizable after Reagan and I’m afraid it may be even worse after

“You’re not a Lutheran?”

Ha ! That one nearly ruined my keyboard.

I’ll check it out. There’s also The Station Agent with the fabulous Peter Dinklage.

I was really obsessed with DOH when it came out. I loved the fact that they found the narrator character off the street. I loved the train culture. Richard Gere wasn’t Richard Gere at that point. He was just a good actor. Brooke.

Now playing

Check him out in this early-career, indie film.

It was the greatest display of projection I’ve ever seen.

Patience. Nailing Nixon came at the very end of a looong investigation. This is much, fucking worse. It’s only a matter of time.

That is THE cameltoe to end all cameltoe.

I forgot about that. Holy cow we have a president who jacks off on humiliating his own circle of supporters. His own people !!!!