
I have to keep myself from eating an entire can of TJ’s English Toffee with nuts. As for a non-food item, their balsam candle & gingerbread candles are addictive. The balsam smells just like the signature scent from Carapan, my favorite little spa in Manhattan, long gone. Very nostalgic smell.

I have taken Beyond Burgers out of the freezer and cooked them only partially thawed, they were fine. I just cooked them an extra couple minutes on each side. I think cooking instructions for quite a few food items are... a bit much.

George Jefferson

I left the Catholic cult when I was 8ish, old enough to think. Always want cultists I admire to leave their cult, too. I would love to believe Beck, not sure why I shouldn’t. Seems like most scientologists cling... people lie, but I don’t even care to see evidence against him as it really ain’t my business.

Yep. When I sit down more often than not I just want to sit with a glass of wine or a cocktail for 10 minutes before ordering. And I will likely have another with the meal, adding to the ticket average and upping the gratuity. If the place is on an insane wait we move it along, but generally places expect you want to

I only started watching the show a couple weeks ago at behest of my bestie, and uh, had a steamy dream about Kieran Culkin the other night, after a long day of binging. I honestly really had no idea who he was until Succession.

I totally hear you, and I am surprised at how many posters are jumping on you for your position on this.

I just watched this episode last night - wow. As for the death being used against Kendall, it seems like there are a handful of folks - Logan, Marcia, Gerry, Marcia’s son, maybe others - who would all be implicated in a cover up, so maybe they can’t go there. I don’t see how the company would remain in Roy control if

Something about the angle of that photo makes his hair look like a fluffy yellow butt-cut.

Or Janelle Monae

I don’t even think it’s pro-birth. “Pro-life” women and men have been known to go the abortion route when it suits them. One of the most right wing, anti-choice bitches I know had at least 2 abortions before she graduated high school. Now, nope, not for anyone else, she gets to make that choice for others, and the

Hmm. Interesting. Your mix actually has some nutritional value, as opposed to mine which is pretty much a sodium bomb. I can see how pecans would be good, but I put pecans in so many holiday snacks, peanuts are the nut of choice in my mix. Regardless, Chex Mix has been a holiday requirement in my world since birth. I

I always want to see more Griffin Dunne. Looking forward to more Eric Bogosian! The casting in this show gets an A++++++++++

Gonna get some tack-os down at the tack-o hut?

This article is making me have to go see what the Obama’s have for their T-giving spread and make some of it.

I bought pretty much those same boots at a store on 8th street (across from House of Fields) circa 1997. I stomped all over the city in them, then waited thousands of tables in Chapel Hill when I was stuck back in NC for a few years after 9/11. Once you break them in they’re so insanely comfortable, and you’ll get a

Top of my fridge is not only a shelf, it’s an entire pantry. Sad fact.

My WB glasses were definitely from Hardees. That was southern, fast food for the “poors” at the time. We didn’t get to go to McDonalds or Wendys like we wanted to, even tho the older I got the more I realized McDonalds was gut rot. If I scraped up enough allowance I went to Burger King. I still like them best if I