
I’m thinking he shows at some point, and perhaps gets a rushed redemption arc himself.

They still have 2 dragons! 

Wouldn’t Rhaegal have been reanimated with all the other fallen?

And 1-2 dragons.

On boats? I guess they could still have been zapped by a zombie dragon...

Just once every couple of years, but yeah, love it. It’s a junk food fix, we know how bad it is. But we are glad it’s there when we want it. My little sis an I roomed together and worked at an indie video store when it came out. We still quote it.

Interesting, especially thinking of how it seemed the majority of Gen Xers (of which I am one) smoked everywhere they went.

I don’t think she would ever divorce him for any reason, probably not much money in that. She’s just waiting for him to die.

I don’t know who is going to die, but I’m thinking Edmure Tully might make a surprise appearance somewhere over the remaining episodes. Or, maybe they really just chose to forget him.

Who is he?

You live in NYC and want your face melted off? Go to Brick Lane Curry House, as featured on Man vs Food maybe 10 years ago. Get the P’hall curry. My husband is Indonesian and loves to burn himself when he eats. Trust me. It’s also really delicious. 

When I hit peri my mid-section blew up and stayed that way even though I was doing a mix of cardio, strength training and yoga 4-5 days a week, as well as doing weight watchers and staying within my points. So, I saved my pennies and had coolsculpting done on abs and flanks several weeks ago. So far, so good...I can

Hear, hear.

Wow. My Dutch husband will be on the lookout for that.

I hate wrap dresses, even when I was pre-baby body with no boobs. I prefer a shift dress or maxi if I am going to wear one at all. I live in New England, wind gusts are a problem, and I did have one un-tie once...

Right? If he could raise all dead he would summon innumerable zombies from every crypt and burial ground he comes across, for centuries. I didn’t read the books, not sure if any of that was described.

I live in Framingham, MA (childhood home of Adam Schiff) and am somewhat active in local politics. I am going to apply to work 0n her campaign. About to be laid off anyway, the recession is coming and I hope job opti0ns are solid between her and TJX. 

I remember it all too well. I was 10 years old and my father was going ballistic over it, he was a huge Jimmy fan, and the undermining from the republicans was plain as day. It was a defining moment for me in establishing a lifetime of disgust for republicans, and that fucker especially.

I am curious about the container that holds the weed in the video. I was given a grinder that has a screen in the area that holds the ground up weed, but I don’t think I am using it properly. My weed doesn’t get powdery like that, it just gets crumbled into smaller pieces, and I was wondering what the screen is for.

Yep. I am done.