
What could it hurt?

Archer: The Next Generation

I remember Albert Brooks shorts on SNL back in the day… One was his previews of the new NBC season including Black Vet. One patron pointed out that he didn't have a problem with the vet, it was the dog that was racist.

My fav Simpsons line of all time in is that episode. Otto on hearing Bart's plan to jump the canyon says something like "As the only adult here, I feel I should say something… COOL!"


You'll love Some Like it Hot. Do it man!

Thank You. Puts me in mind for a bit of frog and peach tonight.


Bucky Gunts.

A classic, in my family it was "Jesus saves… beer bottles."

A rescue, huh?

Our well is having issues. We're on my wife's old family farm and use a sandpoint. Pump looses prime after about 4 hours, so I fire it up once a day then have to unplug.

ummm… ah… about that Too much money thing. I can help you with that.

He had fallen down behind the fridge. Not much of a documentary there.

WAIT JUST ONE MINUTE!!! $1,000,000 DUCK is a ZERO??? WAY TO KILL MY CHILDHOOD! Next you'll be telling me Mars Needs Women wasn't the most influencial SF film of the 60s..

Bit of a red herring there… The crop duster has nothing to do with the plot, the pilot was just dicking with Thornhill. Cropdusters are complete dicks. That's why Randy Quaid's redemption in Independence Day is so powerful.

Germans also love Bachman Turner Overdrive… and it aint cause of Fred Turner or the overdrive…

Bleak is as bleak does.


Then please send me some… I've got a meeting in the desert tomorrow.