
lol these comments prove that Sherlock fans are without a doubt THE WORST

Not everyone enjoys terrible people doing terrible things. It might be sacrilege, but I never ever enjoyed Seinfeld, and I loathe shows like Sunny in Philadelphia precisely because I hate all the character and the shitty things they do.

We can disagree about this show ever actually having real storylines. But anything can happen in season 4 considering the events that transpired.

There's still lots of spy fun to be had with Russia. Hell, maybe even make a foray into Chinese baddies.

I too expected her to jump over the fence and run to him in slow motion and they'd cut him down and he'd fall into her arms and his dying words would be something like, "I've loved our child since the moment it was created. Please name it Dana" *last breath, dies*

When a show is completely devoid of any sort of coherent plot or structure or sense, all that's really life is to deconstruct it with a knife and fork. I actually think it's more fun than struggling to take this show seriously.

Seriously, his ONLY request after giving up the freedom to chill in Tehran pretty well off for the rest of his life for this messed up mission was to not watch him die, and she can't even pass that up.

"you can only do the "Carrie & Saul chase bad guys" storyline so many times"

I like how Saul OKed the extraction plan for Brody+Carrie=4EVA even though it would've compromised Javadi's chance to move up the chain which as I recall WAS THE ENTIRE FUCKING POINT OF THE SEASON.

What? You seriously think someone with a mental illness who had electro shock therapy and then slept with a terrorist and hid the relationship from everyone and then was hospitalized WOULDN'T get the job of CIA station chief? Hmph!

"Remember when this season was a pretty exciting espionage thriller?"

maybe the problem is that you're such an asshole only drunk woman would want to sleep with you?

Am I the only one who got super super confused at the end? Jess ate some fish then all of a sudden wandered off and started muttering to herself? Huh? Were we supposed to understand what was going on at all?

I had no idea anyone actually gave a shit about the "advancement of the story" on HIMYM until I read some of these comments. whatever. Loved this episode.

Good thing they were forced into this one then cause it was the best of them.

You kidding? This was the best season of the show, by a mile.

Poor Skarsgård the Younger. I've seen him in a couple of Swedish movies that he was really great in, but he can't handle the English yet. He was trying so hard to control his accent he forgot to like……act.

At this point I think some people feel like they aren't allowed to enjoy it and must come up with a reason to bitch even when it's really great.