
Why is a Nicki Minaj selfie story on Deadspin/AM?

  1. Don’t

How are selfies still a thing? If you aren’t in high school or have any real life, real world aspirations than stop taking selfies.

Huckabee wants the Rapture to come quicker, folks like him think they’re guaranteed a place in heaven.....you know because Jesus said “Hey if you hate everyone and are a friend to people who molest thier younger sisters, I got a spot for you at my table”. No wait, Jesus never said any of that sick and fuck Huckabee.

Ok. This might be a silly question, but has there been a spike in reporting events like this - because of social media access and media interest? Or has the occurrence of this type of event been gradually increasing over the past couple years?

No. How is her image ruined by giving the child the police. Know one had to know she gave the child to the police. Why are you trying to make excuses for her she is vile human being that killed her child.

Temperature is just one more thing that the patriarchy controls. This is not about conditioning the air; it’s about conditioning the oppressed classes to accept the cheapest, most convenient, and easiest air that the ruling classes can provide. It is a result of capitalism: An effort to monetize the human condition

How does that not make sense to you? The yankees average 40k per home game. 81*40k = 3.24M fans a year. Lets multiply times 4 since they play every year instead of once every 4 years. 12.96M fans. Then consider that there are 30 MLB teams. And the playoffs where 55k is standard for the Yankees.

Gawker doesn’t want to put the video up because it shows her punching him first, ruining the site’s lesbian man-hating meme.

Yeah, fuck that noise, and fuck that narrative. It’s really no better than the mouth breathers who defended Ray Rice.

If it stays like this, Hope Solo can start drinking and beating the shit out of family members by halftime!

Well, so much for that wish.

Soooo we’re going to ignore that whole Hope Solo uncomfortable mess, right?

Sorry, but the trolls are the ignorant morons who keep parroting the line that this flag is a symbol of hate. You might as well ban the American flag for the same reasons.

Uh, great? Thanks for the tour of clothes you love that I would never wear, with backstory? This is a very slow news week.

Relatedly, has anyone ever heard a conversation where a man is just stright up bullshitting his date? I’ve heard several conversations while out and about where I’m sitting near or standing near a man and a woman who are clearly on a date, and the woman will ask a question about something, and the man answers totally

I’m 32 and got glasses since my last license. Had to physically go in to renew and forgot them (they’re a minor prescription but do help with distance). Did the exact same thing.

Lena Dunham, the perfect candidate to make gay marriage about herself.

Men’s competition is usually open competition. Women’s competition is what’s restricted.

It looks great on medium settings. >:C