
No arguement here that the shit talk is really bad. 420 is an invite to have the needle dicks go hard in the paint. I’ll stick to just yelling on mic while being intoxicated. In all honesty who hasn’t pooped on someone with a 420 tag camping in a corner?

Why care if its a woman getting hate? How many times a day do you get insulted and shat on playing games? A lot I imagine, but I don’t go cry when it happens. Getting shit is a compliment IMO.

Such a movement!! So inspiring!

Bunch of fatties don’t like what you have to say sir.

Married people on a dating app? Holy shit my mind is blown. Would someone please slap the shit out of her for me?

As a man with long hair and a beard they make me feel quite pretty.

No way, let them stare at the phone, theyre the kind of person who kills you in a car. Let them step off and get plowed by a truck. Makes my day.

so men deserve dimly lit areas where we can get assaulted/mugged? does this only apply to women are alone(seems theyd be fine with friends and wouldnt need the spot)?during the day can anyone use them?

How DARE they stick to what people keep paying to see? They call it business.

Maybe sanders could just change his skin color? Obama has done...what for blm? Don’t see blm screaming at him.

They were the ones acting violent. Scream in someones face and pushing on them is asking to get put to the ground.

Why do they not target any men? Sexist pigs.

Sounds like the people you know may be having a little fun trying to get in your head. I do it to my friends, one went to new york city a couple days ago. Immediatly told her stay out of south bronx. She thought i was being racist, then i told her about that outbreak.

I feel like it goes both ways. Don’t want me to come at you? Don’t say stupid shit. Targeting innocent randoms isn’t cool though. But when someone wants to get hostile, game over.

I bet that womans family he killed loves all the praise on top of this fucker continueing to drive like a piece of shit. its never the shitty person who dies.

Shhhhhhh. How dare you mention jenner killed someone and gets held up as a saint now?

Ill land that plane on a damn 60 story building and parachute to safety. Only to be sniped halfway down.

The umpires really fucked up that game. And mlb should of given equal punishments. Its obvious kc was throwing at them.

Damn republicans and not bathing. Also, girls rule boys drool.

We need universal clarity about this issue. I get that a lot of people don’t like “paying” for others birth control. But if they want to cry about this issue, i want a say on where every tax dollar i pay goes. No more tanks for you america.