
I read everything in trumps voice now. Once you start it never ends. Reading quotes are more fun than ever.

Whenever i get in that arguement with someone i just inform them that im in a car, youre on a bike, if you want to play chicken go ahead.

The days when people knew how to talk. Its just awkward the way people are glued to the phone in a waiting room, or just about anywhere. People can’t even look others in the eyes anymore.

So this is how the people who drive like idiots got their license.

And people really care? White woman wants a “fro” is horrible... But wanting to be a man is beautiful?

Then why do women keep ordering from a site they want change from?

And this is why no one takes this place seriously. One big man hating circle jerk.

Because women never, ever bash men.

Doris burke is almost as bad as listening to van gundy. Always with the “feel good” hee haw shit.

Yeah only women get killed by guns. Totally. Sandy hook mom should shut the fuck up making this a gender issue.

So much race baiting in the comments. shut the fuck up, im as white as it gets and always wind up being randomly searched.

Damn. I got away with it at a damn 4-h camp. Well, my county leader found out, didn’t rat me out though.

What makes him so bad compared the the other assholes who get praise here?

Not to mention she might the one of the worst interview guest i’ve ever seen. DURP MY MOM FOUGHT DURP

The womens division is such shit. Its full of women who havn’t fought very long, and rousey.

Does anyone care if some “beauty queen” gets ruined? She messed with a rich man who takes everyone to court. The end.

Wait... someone likes her?!

Thank you. I was feeling pretty down. Thats a good story.

Man. Piper was one of my favorites. I remember using his persona when my friends and i would wrestle as a kid. Time to find They Live.

They picked a christian college... who gets funded by guess who?