So we should censor those we don’t agree with?
So we should censor those we don’t agree with?
Go save them then? Excuses everywhere.
Fighting the real issues I see.
Exactly. Swallow you pride and go home to bitch about the asshole cops. Don’t call the cop an asshole and be defiant. It really seems the people who get the short end are the ones who smart off. It’s not right, but life isn’t fair.
Dang. Second round of being monitored? And wealthy? Your friend is trouble.
I wish this happend on every selfie. Then i’d love seeing them. Until then i will think its a bunch of assholes who think everyone loves them as much as they do.
Not to mention there are people taking pictures of her taking a picture. Sweet jesus.
Selfies are for jackasses. And are we really taking pictures of someone taking one?! There is no god.
Pull out the pitchforks before you hear anything. Guess ill just start assuming every robbery is a young black man.
Isn’t it great how those who believe so hard in the bible, who KNOW they will go to heaven, want the world to end so they can prove it? So humble.
Oh give me a break. Another K-Klanner with tits and a tv show.
Its great to see all the excuses for a baby killer. It’s societys fault? Fuck off.
Totally. Killing a baby is the obvious better option. Oh the excuses for a monster.
I would of been arrested for the panic of this landing. A nice landing is scary enough.
Stuff like this is the only reason I’d like to play football.
And i thought this movie was going to kill me.
Women totally never kill a man.
This movie looks like it would make the big bang theory look “geeky”.
Encourage being a fatass more.
Ask the fucking women in my life if 70 is too cold and theyll be surprised its on. It’s always freezing at my house. Only dude i know who has to use a heater in ATLANTA in his room during the summer.