
My blood boils everytime i’m at a game and fuckers won’t stop watching through their phone. Like, who wants to even watch that video? There’s professional cameramen all over the place, and no one wants to see the video.

Very sorry to hear.

Because if it can be turned into men holding women down its acceptable to call it anything to look better.

So, a film that clearly looks very mature basically gets a rated R rating and thats sexist? Pathetic.

Don’t give her too much credit. It’s never really news.

Nothing like having a rich fuckwit run her mouth about shit being unfair.

Yeah. Sure.

Arent both basically a charity? Who cares. It’s only around to make the “little girls” of america feel good.

So..... anything cosby is worth a post now? I really don’t understand this place at all. The picking of who to attack is incredible.

She’s full of shit and gets paid to say this. Fuck her.

Jesus she’s fat.

followed with a how fat is chris christie jokes? garbage.

As fucked up as that is. It’s some liquid gold.

Those shoes just look gross. Honestly her whole outfit is gross.

Nope. Minion shit still must go. Sorry little girl, don’t fall out of a window.

Gotta love the outrage over this. Now go point and laugh at hulk hogans sex tape and say its no big deal.

I’ve noticed it really gets bad when a female is playing and insist on constantly talking and seeking attention. Other than that i rarely see a female getting bashed for just being female.

My stomach went weak looking at that damn picture.

God i love this movie. Everytime its on is a good day.

Holy shit. how many people do you have getting pills to give you to get to 10k?! Or he just spends all day doctor hopping.