
Maybe because Floyd beats women it’s hard to root for him. Maybe it’s also because UFC doesn’t pay any of their fighters what they deserve and Conor is the start to getting a fair share from a company worth 4 billion. But yeah he’s a white guy and they are so evil. Do you liberals seek to be offended before or after

No idea how his presidency will turn out but I’m tired of the both these parties. It was nice to see the Don thank the Secret Service who by all accounts were terrified of dealing with the Clinton Family again. Libs and the media need to decide if BLM really matters. While there will always be room for debate about

Ok mayor? What kind of bubble did you live in.

Blame Hilary, dumb white voters, dumb black voters, the FBI, etc. The Democratic Party is a joke. BLM was built in the myth of Michael Brown and hands up nonsense. Guess what? The rest of the country kind of likes the police or at least reflects them. Your party and candidate became the BLM candidate. Your party is

Probably around 50% of those votes going to Trump.

Love MSNBC blaming the uneducated whites and their uninformed vote. The uneducated blacks have been voting D since before I was born. Not sure you can say based on results it’s worked out so great for the inner city blacks. Decided to sit this election out because these candidates were clearly a joke. Shame on the

Ashley says, “egotistical demagogue with an inability to feel anything other than self-love and spite. Hillary Clinton is a competent, experienced leader, and she will make a fine president.” I understand we choose sides and all but are you insane? Better choice, absolutely. But she is unquestionably corrupt, phony,

Oh my god, they LIED. Nobody does that. Hilary and Donald, your parents, and I’m sure you never ever told a lie. If any of them were even periphally associated with any actual action against a woman, shut them down but this is a stupid over-reaction.

How dare college age guys comment on the appearance of women. For sure, women only like guys for their wonderful personalities and intellect. Rather these guys not act like meatheads but to cancel a season over this is nuts.