No love for or mention of Bittrex? :/
No love for or mention of Bittrex? :/
“Affordable” healthcare.
My montly rate through my state’s exchange is ~$450/mo.
Have tried multiple times but can only get a single $10 discount (proceeding all the way to checkout).
Have tried multiple times but can only get a single $10 discount (proceeding all the way to checkout).
Anything from Yi is apparently a big NO now due to a recent usage agreement “update” that you have to agree to that grants them the ability to access and use photos and video taken by the camera. Posts about this can be found on various sites around the net.
Anything from Yi is apparently a big NO now due to a recent usage agreement “update” that you have to agree to that…
Reason # 5,457 this is a BAD....HORRIBLE idea.