
Yes, I wondered if it was a reaction to his almost having been absent - sent to prison - and making up for that, in part, along with being more cognizant of the ever uncertain future.

back in 2x15, Corpse de Ballet, Joan suddenly referred to her supposedly long-standing (but never mentioned before or since) volunteer work with a homeless shelter and eventually told Sherlock she did it to try to stay in contact with her biological father who'd been homeless for decades because of his disease. That

I agree; his characterization was handled respectfully. I just wish they'd taken the opportunity to do the same for Joan, whose father is schizophrenic: instead of having that exchange be All About Sherlock, they could have given her a moment in that context.

yes, Joan offers to give Gregson advice based on her expertise but yet again we don't get to hear what she knows or thinks about the topic. I appreciated that she (and the show) remembered that she did have some experience with big career changes. I would have appreciated more some link made between the schizophrenic