He acts like the spoiled sosiopatchic son of a dictator. Just do something evil on a whim, because no one will hold you responsible. Like Uday Hussein, son of Saddam Hussein. Until people held them responsible.
He acts like the spoiled sosiopatchic son of a dictator. Just do something evil on a whim, because no one will hold you responsible. Like Uday Hussein, son of Saddam Hussein. Until people held them responsible.
If this guy played Ramsay Bolton on Game of Thrones, he’d probably think it’s okay to appear at viewers houses to rape and torture them.
Saving the ammo of more powerful weapons in FPS games for “bosses and tough situations”. And then kill the boss or insane amount of mobs with the basic pistol/shotgun/rifle combination.
And then sometimes, when I’m about to end the day’s gaming session, I think: “I’ll just have look of this next level. Just go in guns…
I bought Mass Effect 2 the day it came out. Started to wonder why it looked so greenish. And then the console RRoDed. I had read online that it might help to wrap it in a towel to heat it up and then rapidly cool it.
There I was standing on a snowy balcony in the Finnish winter, cradling the console in my arms like a…
That and the doll faced Captain Marvel. I never liked the doll face style in Soul Calibur character creator, this felt even more wrong.
I don’t see this any different from someone who trains a lot in some traditional sport like swimming or ice hockey. They spend a huge amount of their time to train in something to become professional and most likely won’t have as much time for school, or the school even supports this with a stipend or going easy with…
I think that ALL game development should just stop and instead just coscentrate on creating exciting Youtube and Twitch personalities/channels to follow, because thats the way the youngsters game now.
But there was actual gameplay mechanics: the kid warned about enemies behind Kratos, which is nice, especially now that the camera isn’t isometric.
Nice. But I’m still waiting for my Buffy vs Hellboy fighting game.
The intro was terrifying enough: some creepy man luring kids with selfmade toys to his mansion.
I disliked the doll-faced Captain Marvel from the first teaser. Never liked the Soul Calibur/Tekken/DOA style of childish lady faces.
The hero characters look very generic and lack personality. Even the basic thugs look more interesting.
Even if it was spelled right, it’s stupid.
I fractured my right pinkie with The Slam while playing Psychonauts Meat Circus level. The whining of the kid you have to escort and keep alive. The weird angles for the jumps. The projectiles that enemies throw at you off-screen. The circus music. THE CIRCUS MUSIC.
Combat action game from Funcom? Yeaaah.. no.
Fuck mobile gaming also.
I just missed John Carpenter and Carpenter Brut shows where I live. But I’m not that much into the electric horror(?) either. Both Goblin shows were on festivals.
Goblin has been tourig quite a lot in recent years. Seen them twice now and the oter was live playing of the soundtrack while Suspiria played on the screen.
Bruce Lee and Barbarian on Commodore 64. Many others too, but mostly those two.