
Why would a ghost get younger?

What if... Hitler became the Wolverine?

Things I liked about Farscape:

What I don't get that apparently Morrisson was suprised and angry that the Marvel editors retconned Magneto's death.

After all the complex tricks, slight of hands and stage illusions, the twist is that Tesla's supernatural magic-science is real thing in the movie's world.

In the episode with Gwen Raiden - The Electro girl (was that last name a Mortal Kombat refence?), she shocks Angel's chest and we see CSI-style his dry, raisin of a heart getting a few beats. Doesn't really look like insides with fluid. But where does all the blood go that the vampires drink? Spike drinks alcohol. Do

Yeah, Tulip was drinking very heavily before the events where the comic starts. And Dillon usually drew her with pouches under eyes.

Especially if the sequels would be about the Cursed Land and Judge Death storylines like the makers of this movie talked about in interviews. The comic has always worked best when the stories were about the insane society that is Mega-City One.

I saw him looking like Donald Sutherland, but shorter and a bit more stocky.

"You are stronger than you think you are."
"Lex, if you really cared about the world, you would have already done all these things."

I might remember these quotes a bit off.

Puzzle Craft is broken in a customer friendly way: the app is free and you really don't have to spend any real money to keep playing. I never ran out of in-game resources that you need to enter the field or mine, even when playing for hours.

I also thought that the movie version on blaming Dr. Manhattan made more sense than an invading alien army.

They should just make an agent Carter dedicated episode in Agent's of SHIELD. Like the future based episodes in Dollhouse, but in the 40's & 50's.

Yeah, automated testing is a very common thing in software development QA.

I thought Eddie died in the crash and the fantasy world was an afterlife. Like Valhalla or something.

Looks like Mignola also worked on Blade 2.

Ugh.. the game got stuck. Every time I start the game, it forces a "Armored assault" tutorial, where I can't tap anything else than 'Train', then 'Train powers' and then it tells me to to tap train armored assault.

If by 'plumbing' you mean 'colon', then yes. They just teleport the poop straight from the colon.

Clint Eastwood as The Man with No Name AND Dirty Harry.

I've seen about twenty of Takashi Miike's close to hundred movies.