but it's just a student show
but it's just a student show
I eat hotpot no matter what the temperature is outside.
she sang instead of saying something in Japanese
I had a RadioShack Plug n Power thing and I thought I was cool.
FINALLY trees will grow properly so that you can climb them
don't they know you only need 2 buttons to play snake? 1 and 9 OR 3 and 7
heavy electronics on tension poles over a heater?
ALL of Westeros? that seems unlikely
ahh the classic tv variety show game
Why not just use the ink that the erasable pens use. They disappear when heat is applied.
panasonic plasmas
how? it's just a full screen start menu now
that carrot pic is nsfw
oh look it's going pretty fast
the Japanese go crazy at the variety and amount of fruits whenever they visit a tropical country
my eyes are only fixed on man-peach
ahh good ol' sharking...
back when competitive eating was legal on Japanese TV and all the rage in the 90s, they offer a lot of tips on stomach stretching and training for the competitions
girl specified "cute sexy" mangas... So I took that as smiling while reading H-manga
except chameleons mainly don't change color to blend with surroundings