
it's like Thai grilled eggs

also goes real well with fries

anything acidic with plastic bottle is horrible idea

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you guys missed the Tifa with a cooking show on youtube

people need to be told that things can be cut up into even smaller pieces with a blender?

the porn they export is not censored

at least you can do anything in China as long as you're rich+connected

so what's the go-to brand/model for SSDs?

hahah you're trying to compare a Barb's DPS to a Demon Hunter??

crushed peanuts+sugar with anything

AVOID Warby Parker. They are the same cheap ugly glasses from China that Coastal Contacts are able to give away free frequently. Truth is, glasses are so cheap that Coastal Contacts can still make a profit even when you just pay shipping to get the free glasses.

so what if it's knocked and squished in some spots, you're eating it not stare at it

only buy furniture made from rare Amazon rain forest wood

jade cocoon, ugh...

maybe someone instructing the dog off screen

or just limit gold selling to gold earned since RMAH launch

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here's some amazing knife chopping skills (skip to 26m38s). From amazing new documentary from China about Chinese cuisine.

err N900?

I think I see this across the river every morning

it's a controller with a screen