Perhaps? I’m not sure what else she’s actually qualified to do.
Perhaps? I’m not sure what else she’s actually qualified to do.
I see Paula Deen’s PR company is still managing to find clients.
I know. Lordy.
As John Dean said, these indictments aren’t press releases. They mean that the accusations in them have proof to back them up. If Trump didn’t confront Putin over this evidence, then he just admitted his guilt to the world today.
Oh, they’re more numerous than you would ever imagine. I’m a white, gay man and I’ve been in NYC for a long time now, so I forget that especially in the Midwest and South, the white gay men there desperately want to be in The Club of White Privilege. I personally know gays from back home who basically just go around…
Orange whip?
Wow. Did I make an epic Freudian slip there. LOL.
That’s some of it think, but people like Graham, he kept it up and hard long after Trump was elected. Then one day, like magic, he was on the team. He literally changed his tune from one day to the next. Same with Hatch.
She was the baddest to the bone person I’ve ever known. For real.
I’m a middle aged white guy. I never get tired of the shock of informing people who spout this drivel that my mother got pregnant and didn’t get married and that I used to be a drug dealer. Because they always assume by looking at me, and by the fact that I have a great design career in a high profile industry that I…
Your syntax isn’t quite right. You still sound Russian.
I guess what I can’t understand is how anyone fell for it if that pic above is his disguise. That’s clearly just him in sideburns, a mullet, and a MAGA hat. Years ago in Chicago, I was approached by this guy who wanted to a do some “man on the street” interview and it was obviously Jamie Kennedy with a fake…
I think it’s looking more and more like Russia and Trump probably have compromising info on a lot of these guys. A number of them just a year ago were calling Trump every name in the book then all of a sudden, they became his number one fanboys. Cruz, Graham, Gowdy, Hatch. They all just abruptly up and changed…
I had an idea about all this, and at least one thing that can be done. A page needs to be taken out of the GOP playbook, and in states where they don’t have any control, like say, California, where this happened, Drunk and Disorderly needs to become a felony, with hardcore jail time and huge fines. And enforce it.…