pip bip - Chinese car collector

i’d love to buy one. they scream KWALITEE 


just make them compulsory. no exemptions. make it if you want to ride, you need a license AND a helmet. 

London council needs to just impound “the Beast” next time the prez is in London 

what could possibly go wrong with buying that? 

rocket scientist and all round genius he isn’t. 

fair enough then. 

to me, 3500 is not a huge sample.

i ‘d like to see a bigger sample size result. 

Kwalitee! i want one. 

thank you captain obvious

Clive  is a mouth breathing fuckwit here. the boat will NEVER get built, stop giving this useless cunt airtime

the front fell off. 

RWNJ just need to be ignored! 

self driving is not going to happen.

Audi need to stop 

Brightline should have eliminated level crossings during construction. 

will the coupe come in right hand drive for exports? 

can’t park there mate! 

he’s a muppet.