
It's no wonder this is one of the most positive & good-natured BTLs I've seen in ages - it's hard for anyone to disagree with the general premise of the article.

Also: Ross gets women onto his show because he fancies them and is quite revoltingly unsubtle about it. Norton likes talking to women (rare amongst hosts), and is well behaved about flirting with male guests unless they're clearly relaxed with it.

Was there *anyone* who saw the Mark W. episode who wasn't thoroughly disappointed to see he was on water for his next appearance? There's car crash telly, and then there was that. I was torn between hysteria and horror.

MM is a very naughty goddess, and Graham Norton is the only host capable of letting her off her leash. Her ability to flirt with any & every one is just the filthy cherry on the cake.

Also a bonus: when the regional British guest has a stunningly local accent which leaves the US guests utterly bamboozled & clearly wishing they came with subtitles. Hilarious for us, verging on embarrassing for them.

"I find Widdecombe to be an insufferable and unfunny prick"

One of my favourite moments was Eddie Redmayne answering a question with "You have VERY talented researchers", and blushing near purple. The production team are clearly very thorough, and Graham makes the most of it.

^ This. The sappy feel-good crap takes the edge off it in a deeply infuriating way.

There's one being finished off at the moment. Some detective / police thing based on a true story from Poland.

He's playing a priggish character, whom the script renders amusing. I wouldn't say he's *funny* as such. OTOH, I think my point is well made if you have to go back to a minor role from the 80s to come even close to a refutation. :D

He's fondling the wall to find the place to drill a hole for the cable. And when I say fondling, he's talking to it too.

Ow. Sympathies.

Also, not enough gags are delivered by A listers re: self-applied sex toys.

What really gets to me about that film is that he pulls off so many elements - gay, serious, tragic, weight-loss - any of which on their own get massive kudos for "proper" actors like Di Caprio or McConnaughey (now he's all indie). But because it's Carrey, it can't *possibly* be that he's A Real Acting Talent, so he

ILYPM is one of the best things he's done, along with 'Eternal Sunshine'. Criminally underseen.

Yes. It's a bit weak in places, but Buscemi's reliable as always, and Carrey's magnificently unhinged. It's a good advert for what he can do when he's properly not giving a crap.

Carrey, Carrell & others (tho' not Sandler) can pull off serious. Daniel Day Lewis will never pull off funny.

Added bonus: watch with the director's commentary on the DVD. Love this film, tho' I could happily have done without Jack Black. Probably the best thing Tom Cruise has ever done.

A ridiculously brilliant film, all the better for being based on a true story. Bounced into my top 5 films on first viewing, and since I got the DVD it's rarely more than 3 or 4 months before I watch it again. The appalling lack of support its release had in the USA is, I suspect, a part of why Carrey's gone quiet