H Hero

Funny you mention that when Ash’s eyes are completely different from his original eyes and have been completely different for years. Certain aspects of his design and features aren’t the same as his original design either. I don’t know, maybe it’s me, from having watched the series for so long, but those characters

“there was a way to do that without writing out two of the most popular and important characters.”

It’s almost like this entire movie’s story is based on shit that doesn’t actually happen in the past and is a rebooted retelling of the past where Ash runs into trainers who have Pokemon that literally did not exist at the time and where Ash befriends a legendary Pokemon from a region that he likely has never even

“Hello, I hate anime now. I used to love anime because I watched four out of the 5,000 in my generation and decided that was the high point of all anime and anything following that was subsequently terrible and offputting! Look at all the fanservice, anime back in the day NEVER had fanservice!”

Considering that the FFXIV rep said players are allowed to have only one house per character, then other players should certainly fit under an “Entitled” opportunity to get their homes no matter how hard the current owners worked to break the system.

How did people get good at fighting games before training rooms and internet were the standard methods of information?

Well, it’s “Don’t play the game” in response to “I don’t like the thing this game does.” So yes, that’s a pretty reasonable response. Asking the game to change for you is selfish. If you don’t like the content of something, then don’t play or interact with it, it’s very simple. People tend to not do things they do not

“It was far superior to Devil May Cry 4 in just about every way”

Nintendo’s conference had literaly no surprises at all and was the same stuff they always release for a new console. No gameplay or even a logo for the new Pokemon game, no gameplay and JUST a logo for Metroid Prime 4(which everyone and their mom saw coming), new Kirby new Yoshi and Mario looked good(not even remotely

Trunks and Goten are literal half sayain prodigy children. They were able to attain higher levels of Super Sayain so quickly because their parents already had the super sayain gene before conceiving them. This is literally stated.

Shit taste is a hard thing to fix, unfortunately.

Kawakami is 6th. I don’t know if I can trust this list.

I didn’t know people with taste this bad actually exist.

In every other country that isn’t Japan, the term was adopted specifically to refer to Japanese animation. People in the West have cartoon as their catchall term for animated media, it’s just that unlike Japan which just sticks everything under “anime” the West just didn’t want to stick everything under “cartoon.”

Cartoons/animated media made in Japan, plain and simple. And no, just being animated by a Japanese studio or being in “anime style” doesn’t make something an anime like say Avatar or RWBY.

Yes, those sales are incredible for the current Japanese gaming market. Specifically for RPGs.

Aren’t like 95% of games with voice games that are usually rated for 17+ anyway? Your kids shouldn’t be playing those games in the first place if they aren’t of age. If you let them play games like that then you are actively inviting that kind of unfiltered profanity.

Just like people have to craft stories to justify literally anything they create. This is an inane argument to use for any work of fiction, sexualized or not.

Persona always does this with their tests and quizzes. The translation being wrong, fine, that’s a legitimate error. But the actual question itself is something that isn’t new to the series at all. 90% of the questions are questions that 95% of people will never know or be able to answer in their lifetime, that’s the

Streaming also doesn’t “Require” or force that either. It’s 100% a choice.