H Hero

“You needed to spend a minimum of eight hours a day, at least six days a week, to get anywhere.”

t. I’ve never played any Japanese games

1. They’ve explicitly showed the player controlling Barret in the trailer.

“Rich guy loses partnerships but is still fucking rich and almost does not suffer at all due to them being rich.”

Says someone who almost assuredly did not actually play either game.

It certainly not the “Western aspects” of these games that are causing them to sell less, the biggest reason why these games are selling less and less every subsequent year is due to the increase in the mobile gaming market in Japan. For years the trend for console gaming there has slowly been in decline.

Well, let’s not forget because YOU think that, that does not make it true.

Yeah, because Overwatch having nonsensical proportions and anatomy is a brand new concept. I forgot how normal looking Roadhog looks.

Broly did the exact same goddamn thing. The only difference was that he was slightly muscular looking in his base form and BECAME giant after transforming. It is LITERALLY THE ENTIRE POINT.

Yeah, just like Broly...oh right.

The weirdest thing about this belief is that most people seem to think that children are plain, straight up idiots without any ability to separate reality from fiction as they grow and change. It feels to me that this guy has no confidence in his daughter’s intelligence since he thinks the psychological masterpiece

Yes, Mario, the brave, strong, competent fat, short, Italian plumber. The spitting image of masculinity that all men strive to become. When Nintendo created the series they fully intended to allow Mario to be a power fantasy and reduce all women to objects and worthless tools to be saved and toyed around with by

Are you saying that you couldn’t tell that this obviously nebula cloud like Pokemon was supposed to be something space related?

Exactly. It’s clear that Squeenix has the talent to make a good story, but for some reason they aren’t trying to take advantage of it as much as they can with FFXV.

Because one Japanese game did it...? Come on, you have to be more realistic with your expectations. There are a myriad of other Japanese companies that make RPGs, the reason why Squeenix is focusing so much on the west is because they’re that huge a company in Japan that they have such a presence in both Japan and the

For the record, some of those 4chan posts are 100% ironic.

Because so many people who really want to play the game to the point they pre-ordered it, and are looking forward to it, will see that it has bugs before release due to the demo but still keep their preorder and then still be upset that the same bugs are in the game and will later be fixed.

Man, if only these Fantasy games were trying to be as realistic as possible, maybe then people like you would actually buy these games! It’s not like the basis for these games are absolutely unrealistic elements, no sir! Suspension of disbelief? No way, this isn’t a game that is unrealistic at all!

What is there to spoil in any video game with a story? It’s the same formula EVERY TIME.

“30 years”