
Even if they did put the 9 months into salvaging APB, there's just no way I would really think about getting the game. APB's got the rep now of closing pretty damn quick after opening up, who's to say it wouldn't happen again?

But..but...where the hell would a gamer like me ever get his fix on whips and reruns of Fastlane!?

@DavidDragoon: I'm right with you there. Icons was on my regular watching list then I saw it being retooled with spotlighting names such as Michelle Rodriguez and I was gone.

I see they bumped up Care Package to 5. Mixed feelings about that but at the same time 90% of the time it seemed like all I got were ammo and counter-uav.

@truthtellah: I was sort of hoping for some John Rambo DLC. It would somehow work.

@GhostRaven: I think system fanboys in general are that way.

@dowingba: Because you have to admit, there's a good portion of people out there that sound like raging fanboys rather then people with a legitimate grief.

@T3rm1n4L: That's it, any time I see a kid wanting to ride on something at the park I'm just going to turn to the kid at say, "No! You will BE KILL BY DEMONS!"

@Naveral: I had a good laugh at this. :D

My favorite one from recent memory was from Batman: Arkham Asylum, more specifically the final Scarecrow portion. I thought my 360 was just going red ring on me and was about to reset the game to see if that would fix it.

Just downloaded it and I really do like the new interface and it seems to load up quicker as a whole in both the title covers and the movie itself.

I never saw that sundial one before, I love it!

I was pretty skeptical about the zombie dlc, but damn if this doesn't look like all types of awesome. I actually wouldn't mind a multiplayer or co-op component to this.

I actually for a moment there thought #2 was Captain America and couldn't figure out why he was, "pretty fast." :P

@Dex-Starr: I have to get this out of the way, but I love Dex-Starr even more then Larfleeze.

@Tokidoki(何時も): lol, yeah I think I've been spending more money lately on Steam just for their sales then I have for full price purchases on the two consoles I own.

@Khirakh: Not so much in a hating way of calling it an expansion but my reasoning probably is leaning me towards that even if it wasn't my intention. :P

@Batman: Oh I know, purchased it now I just have to wait for my friends to grief when they're online. :D

I told myself I wasn't going to buy L4D2 since I already own the first on my PC, but dammit at that price I really can't say no.