
@PatMan33: Thanks for the link to Romantically Apocalyptic, that was really enjoyable.

@packetloss: wat: Thank you then, that's the numbers I was looking for.

I look forward to buying Demon's Souls and throwing my controller in frustration.

Geez, looking at that picture and fictional characters really do look different once they leave their own stylized environments.

The first thing I thought of was that it must really speak to the state of the company if, "great people don't really want to work there," but would still rather go there then work for Activision. I would have to agree though Riccitiell0's quote though, he pretty much nailed it.

I still think they should just spin off Nazi Zombies into it's own game, with storyline and everything. Not that COD needs more games in it's franchise but I think it would be cool to have it's own little over the top story.

@square enigma: Thanks for posting those, I had a good laugh at both!

@legendnthemaking: Now I feel better that I wasn't the only one that made that connection.

@geck0_k: It's a weird turn of events when Sony isn't considering as having a douche in the building.

@packetloss: wat: But aren't you just spouting numbers rather then any specifics that would make your point valid? And does the 1,466,599 as I type this really mean anything? They are just online and not actually playing anything. They could be shopping, updating or just have Steam always on in the background.

I love the PA comic, it's not super funny or anything but it's so so true and it's almost a perfect picture on how I feel when playing Halo mp sometimes.

@RedThunder: I had a damn good laugh with this one.

@Kapwan: The look for Sagat just seems all types of wrong.

I admit, I jumped at the end there.

It strikes me as odd that Sony would set up a site to take a dig at Kinect since I figured they'd take a harder shot at taking the Wii's audience. It's like taking the easy road because you know you've convinced yourself that there's nothing to gain from taking the other route. Granted, I've had more in store interest

Reading about it, what sounded pretty confusing to me was the whole multi-player support.

@Mentuss: Well of course it is, they've outright said it's not permanent and it's there for the storyline currently being told.