
That's some rather staggering numbers there which of course doesn't say anything of the quality of the games, but if I had to choose one, and in all honesty, Halo 3 is probably the game I played the most of the bunch mainly having huge amounts of fun with the co-op.

@Harpo: I always felt that the ending for Rocky V was the best cap for the series and it's story as a whole while Rocky Balboa is truly the goodbye for the character.

I was just talking to a friend how I would love to have the Metal Gear series on one disk with updated graphics and how much I'd kill for it.

@Drogmir: That would be pretty damn awesome if The Spectre would show up for the banning when DCUO hits.

I remember seeing this in Chicago and was instantly hitting myself that I didn't have my camera on me.

@MacGyver1138: Saw a video on GT and it actually showed a ghost bouncing right off of the armor like it just hit a giant rock in the road. Curious to see how it'll fair against larger vehicles.

@fearing: Yeah, I actually checked my active downloads before and it wasn't there.

I guess I wished there was an alternative way to download this rather then the disk being in the system and going through ODST. Mainly so I can continue the download where it stopped if something happens.

Maybe I'd have to play the game and see for myself because if I went just off those screenshots, I wouldn't have been able to tell it was Cheney.

Is New York overplayed, sure as hell it is. Doesn't mean that a game can't be great or at least good, but taking place in New York isn't something I put in the plus column now.

Several years ago didn't the police apprehend a stalker that confessed he wanted to kill Spielberg and his family in a pretty gruesome manner?

Wow! It must have been a really bad week for GU if THAT was there best comic.

I'm pretty sure this is all a matter of connection. I have a 360 and a PS3 and the picture shows up better on my 360 as well as not as many problems with lag.

Now that was pretty damn nice, and I could really go for them making a video akin to this of the retaking of the White House.

Isn't that the thing you use to pull tracking devices out of your brain?

Taken from ME1 a couple of days before playing ME 2 but he imported just fine to the second.

You want them to stop making games worse but before you a group for wanting the developers to make the games better?