
I'm kind of having a little chuckle at this article, mainly because of the writer's little outrage for playing into the other type of stereotype. Good job.

This looks like it could be some real fun as it seems Mercenaries is tailor made for multiplayer.

Yeah, I was one of those 2 million that logged on.

Oh man, Sankaku Complex is going to absolutely LOVE this article.

Bah! I learned a long time ago not to throw my knives since I run faster just holding them. #modernwarfare2

Though I have both systems, I got this one pre-ordered for the 360 since a huge appeal for this game will be the mp aspect of it. And with my friend's list on the 360 more then tripling my friend's list on the PS3 the choice was pretty easy for me.

That's one thing I think they missed the boat on is not offering more costumes for Batman. I'd kill to have a Red Rain Batman. #batmanarkhamasylum

Strangelove reminds me of some modest version of Vash.

I guess it could be worse.

"So if the price hike was "partly" due to "currency exchange rate fluctuations", we'd love to know what the rest of the reason was."