
Yeah he's pretty much the best (sensitive, beautiful, brilliant...!).

: ) Yeah I thought "most fiendish" was probably over-selling him. But it has been floating around my house for a while looking intriguingly tacky and salacious, so eventually it lured me in.

The model wasn't nameless; unless I'm misunderstanding, it says model: Kate Moukhina.

<3 Such a cute intro at the beginning. Lol. Have a fun night!

Oh, yeah, you're right. Sorry, forgot to think about how time works. I shouldn't have replied as it wasn't an ongoing conversation at that point so my comments couldn't really have any positive impact. : )

I'm reading a book about it so it's more on my mind than it usually would be. Which is probably making me more likely to draw comparisons to it. I probably shouldn't have said anything. It's so hard on the Internet to comment without sounding like a jerk. And maybe I should reconsider my thoughts in case some of them

I'm reading a book about Albert Fish's kidnapping of Grace Budd so it's on my mind. I probably shouldn't have said anything. I'm not salaciously hoping for bad things... I hope Relisha is found safe and sound. : (

Hopefully my comment didn't sound callous.

This sounds like Albert Fish/ Grace Budd. I really hope it diverges from that story. Because it's a horrible one.

Look, not to be mean, but stop sticking to your guns on this... It was apparently not incoherent to a lot of people - personally I had no problem reading/ understanding it at all - so it just sounds kinda pointless and even petty to keep talking about it.